Kids Creations
Result of Creation-22

Akshardham Feelings

A: Akshardham K: Karma – Gets rid of your past Actions S: Spiritual – Leads you to the Spiritual Pathway H: Handsome – Ones' mind gets attracted easily A: Adorable – Leaves you in Love R: Release – Releases you from the Circle of Birth & Death. D: Divine – Peaceful H: Heaven - “It seems that Heaven itself has come down to Earth!” A: Astonishing – Un-describable “Neti Neti” M: Magical World - A different World!

Vandan Ashier (15)


I was able to see Swaminarayan Akshardham by visiting the website & of course on the television. It sure is Bapa's supreme creation and after seeing the pictures of such a breathtaking monument i want to say a lot but am having hard time finding correct words but i will try.... Only Bapa's blessings, guidance and vision can bring such a monument to this world. I am surprised to see such a monument that was created in such a short time and without any major publicity. No one can imagine the hard work of Santos and Volunteers and contribution of their time and money can make this dream world. They are the real founding pillars, stones and support of this gorgeous monument. I would like to mention that the proverb (pictures can say thousand words) does not apply to this monument. You have got to see it in person to be able to describe your feelings.....This divine and magnificent monument will be the most important reason to visit India soon. If i can only see Akshardham, my trip will be fulfilled. More over Taj Mahal, India has a new Wonder of the World....
Nish Trivedi (8)
Monmouth Junction, UNITED STATES


my only words where amazing beautiful a life time experience. soon as i walked in i felt peace to my mind. this was a unique wonder of the world . im so gald bapa made yogi bapas wish come true. i loved it so much i didnt want to leave . i would never forget going there i learnt so much more obaout our sanstha in a fun way. i didnt know that elephants were so important to hinduism until that day i saw the gajendra pith.the boat ride showed how much india had done for this world.i was so happy i had never felt happier in my life before. my smile was to long for my face id never had such a big smile in my life. this monument was magnificant its picture never leaves my mind .



Deep within my heart I could just picture Akshardham really big and Bhagwan standng right in the middle reaching a hand to me. He is saying "Come Krisha let us see what I made, do you like it?". In the mist of air there would only be me and Bhagwan. He would take me for a boat ride and I would see everything except everybody trying to shove me . Akshardham is like a nice home it is a dream come true, if I go to just do dharshan of the golden murti. Akshardham is better than everything else in the world. It is a peaceful place. Jay Swaminarayan

Krisha Amin (9)


Now that Delhi Akshardham is open for everyone to see its grand beauty, and now that Yogiji Maharaj's wish has come true, my thoughts are directed to the future. I believe that someday soon Delhi Akshardham will take the place of the Taj Mahal and become known and famous world wide as a symbol of light not death. I bet that in the 2006 world records book Delhi Akshardham will be mentioned atleast once and Bapa's smiling face will be pictured right next to it. The seven wonders of the world will soon become eight because Delhi Akshardham will join them. Delhi Akshardham will help satsang spread all over the world and BAPS will become stronger. Soon Delhi Akshardham will change the world! Jai Swaminarayan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yogini Patel (12)


I think thet Delhi Akshardham will have a big impact on the entire world. I feel as if Akshardham, being Yogi Bapa's Sankalp, will really make the whole world and all it's People satsangis. Akshardham is the first step to this. The Beauty of Akshardham is will inspire people to follw the road of shreeji Maharaj, Gunatitanand Swami, and Pragat Satpurush Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Atain true salvation. These are my feelings of Akshardham. Let us Pray to Maharaj and Swami that through Akshardhams in Gandhinagar, Delhi, and soon to be Edison, USA, Make the whiole world Satsangis. Jai Swaminarayan

Kishan Patel (12)


The Delhi Akshardham is amazing .their is no words to describe how beautifull and pretty it is. We are very lucky because Yogi Bapas wish and Baps wish that we ahve this monument. Bapa gave us all these Mandirs and the chicago mandir and then he gave us Delhi Akshardham. I think what Bapa did for us and blessed us by giving delhi Akshardham is something no one can do that except Swamishree. We are very lucky to have a guru that does all this for. He is so loving so dayalu. Sadgunna Bhandar Pramukh Swami.

NIpa Trivedi (14)
westerville, UNITED STATES


During my visit to Akshardham, I saw Bhaktidwar, Mayurdwar, Exhibition hall, Boat riding and Movie on Nilkanth varni. Everything was so big and so beautiful that I wonder what to say! Only people who see it will understand. Movie on Neelkanth Varni is the best. Each and everyone must visit Akshardham. JAI SWAMINARAYAN

Shishir P Bhatia (7)


Jai Swaminarayan. I think that it should be considered as part one of the 7 wonders on the World. Especially after all the hard work that has been put into it.

Dipali Patel (13)
Colorado Springs,Co, UNITED STATES


WhEn I fIrsT EntEred AksHarDHam I Felt IntErnAl And ExtErnAl pEAcE thOUghOUt mY bOdy. I lOOkEd cArfUlly At All thE dEtAIlEd cArvIngs. I lOOked At AkshArdham And thE fIrst thIng thAt pOppEd In my hEAd wAs thAt thE Only pErsOn thAt cAn bUIld thIs gOrgEOUs tEmplE Is gOd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jAy swAmInArAyAn!!!

Payal Patel (12)


akshardham,wow i dont even know where to start. it was a very speacial experiance.looking back right now i miss it.the secend you enter you feel peace all your worries forgotten,and even your problems find ansewers to questions,and feel warmth feel heavenly,like you never want to really connect yourself to bhagwan and really feel that this is our last took a place in my heart. jay swaminarayan

meera patel (11)
philadelphia, UNITED STATES


I visited Akshardham temple on 25th December 2005 with my parents. It took us 6 hours to see all the things. The musical fountains, the boat ride, the elephants that have been made by people, everything is just beautiful. Everyone should visit the place to appreciate it.

Kamakshi Mam (8)
New Delhi, INDIA


I think that Swaminarayan Akshardham is the supreme house of Pramukh swami Mahraj. One thing I like about Dehli Akshardham is that fountains that light up at night and the mantra that is spoken in them. There is one other thing I would like you to notice about Dehli Akshardham is the cool boat ride which you can take and have a look at our previous culture. I just want to share that much about our pretty Dehli Akshardham which is made by our beloved Pramukh Swami.

Ajay Mirani (9)
Dar-es-salaam, TANZANIA


Thank u maharaj for this Smarak.Bless me Maharaj that I can come to your Akshardham(Home)Well, ot wa a great feeling when I saw the murti os Lord Swaminarayan &Guru Parampara.I was just stuuned by seeing the Musical Fountain.When I saw the Huge Murti of Shree Nilkanth Varni,It looked as Maharaj is standing before me.Thank You Swami Bapa For this AKSHARDHAM!!!

Raj &Rahul Thadeshwar (14)
Rajkot, INDIA


Akshardham is truly beautiful. This is a living evidence that proves that bapa truly truly did this with maharaj through him. I really can't explain this but we all know that Akshardham is so beautiful. It is so divine. I don't have words to describe all this. It is said that if you have always thought bad and if once just once you thought something good, all the sins of the bad thoughts are burnt. That's the power of good thoughts. But even greater is the power of Akshardham. I feel like the existence of Akshardham in this sinfull world will burn away all the sins and promote everlasting pious thoughts to the mankind.

Anonymus (13)


I haven't yet had a chance to visit Akshardham but I know that bapa has shown his aishwaria. Bapa built such an amazing temple which has a huge garden, an I-max theatre, a breath-taking exhibition and lots more in just 5 years. Akshardham's architecture is so glorius and Gajendra Pith is too good to be true. And the exhibition makes every thing come true like I saw a trailer which actually showed Shriji Maharaj stand up! Akshardham is God's home. I have read somewhere thata God's home is the most beautiful home. That's what Akshardham is.

Anonymus (13)


It makes me feel i have a place to go to when i die where i can do bhakti of bhagvan and other great people of india and the santsta

Dhunsyam (13)


Akshardham... I wish that all languages had more words nevertheless there will always be lack of words to describe Akshardham. Akshardham is a land of ultimate peace and joy. To quench the thirst of peace of mind, a journey to Akshardham is needed. To calm down the non stop storms of our calmless hearts, a journey to Akshardham is needed. To burn all the sins away of what these 5 senses of your body has felt, a journey to Akshardham is needed. Akshardham is my healer, my preacher, my teacher and my friend. I haven't seen Akshardham yet but I have one more aim in this life now to look forward to.............Experiencing the supreme and ultimate source of peace.....Akshardham.

Anonymous (13)


I‘m amazed that this mandir was built in five years. I am very proud that the Prime Minister of India and many more important people came to the inauguration.

Sagar Patel (12)


Word can not describe this monument of BAPS. But i feel that it is just a beautiful hindu temple i've ever seen...I am really loking forward to go visit delhi akshardham and even watch mistic India. mandir mohatsav ni JAY!-2007 toronto:D

Priya Jani (14)
Kitchener, CANADA


Akshardham Akshardham is a mind blowing monument that is built by bapa.I havent visited it but when i saw the live telecast of opening of Akshardham,it was really wonderful.In the main monument,the biggest murti of Sahajanand Swami, is really divine.the 3 side boundary of elephants around the monument is SO says different stories,may be i'll know about it when i visit it in future.also saw the surronding of 108 gaumukhs from which sacred water of 151 rivers and ponds are coming out.a glimpse of musical fountain with a combination of light and water that they showed during night was so beautiful.akshardham shining in different coloured lights looks really wonderful,breath really looking forward to see all this,in future.May bapa fulfill my wish.

Krisha Vasani (10)
Dar-es-salaam, TANZANIA


Delhi Akshardham is a unique and divine creation. As soon as you enter this mind-blowing monument you will feel peaceful. After seeing Akshardham you will realise that Bapa is a different person.

Ashna Patel (12)


Delhi Akshardham is that most beautiful place created on Earth.The murtis and surrondings are something you can never forget.I can still remember the raident beauty of the murtis.

Kirti Patel (13)


Akshardham is very gorgeous!! It shows what India is made of! It is one of the greatest swaminarayan temples in the world. It is build very creatively.It will maybe become the 8th wonder of the world.The carvings are very attractive.I wish I get an opportunity to visit Akshardham in my future.It looks like heaven.I am proud that India has a temple like Akshardham.Akshardham is one of a kind.Thanks to everyone who helped to build Akshardham. Jai Swaminarayan.

krushangi patel (10)
Brantford, CANADA


Akshardham is the greatest place I will and you will have ever been to. As you enter Akshardham, you feel as if you are entering a new universe...a new world...a new creation...created by Pramukh Swami Maharaj...

Vandan Popat (11)


when i saw akahardham live on t.v i felt like i my self is in akshardham i feel so good that i am a swaminarayan and i will always be prond of my culture.i didnot go to akshardham bcoz i had my finals to finish senior two meaning 9th standard i cant wait to go to akshardham this year.and when i saw it on the t.v i cryed and was so happy coz i have never seen such a beautiful fabulas gojious temple and the exibition is just to good and excellent and every thing is just so good.

janki brahmbhatt (15)
kampala, UGANDA





this akshardham is just amazing and beautiful. it feels as if it just dropped from the sky. this monument is like if you go inside it fells like your in heaven. its very peaceful and it feels as if its only you and maharaj are there.

sejal patel (13)


The Akshardham's purity, divinity, peace, calmness, serenity, tranquility, coolness and the atmosphere of joy is one that is incomparable. The royal architecture, the grand lights and the majesticity of the structure is exceptional. It gives us a feeling of the divine presence of God in and around us.

Nandini (12)
Thane, INDIA


Askhardham means happiness for me. Now when people go to India, they can look at the mandir instead of the Taj Mahal,etc. This mandir brings joy to see god in front of me being happy.

Pooja (14)


Delhi Swaminarayan Akshardham is truely out of this world-it has been created so magnificantly in a matter of 5 years-thats unbeleivable!the atmosphere there is incredible, i never wanted to leave.

krishna patel (15)


Well my opnion for Akshardham is that it's a beautiful beautiful place.It is amongst the most georgeous places of the places I've visited so far I did not come but just from the pictures that I see and the movies that I have seen about Akshardham.Bapa thanks a lot for giving us this wonderful and arvelous gift!!!! I do not have words to discrib the Akshardham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yogini Patel (12)


This is the most beautifullest structure I've ever seen. It is better than the Taj Mahal. I am proud. It is so nice and peaceful. I love it. This is our very beautiful swaminarayan hindu mandir.

Radhika Raj (11)
Irvine (LA mandir), UNITED STATES


Akshardham is a very peaceful place. It relaxs your mind. The musical fountains and the boat ride is really great. Akshardham is very special to me.

Rupanshee Patel (14)


This Akshardham is clearing all of our hearts. Pramukh Swami maharaj had broke many records but this one can never be beated. Delhi Akshardham is one of the 8 wonders now!I feel lucky 'cause I have a guru like BAPA!

Dhaval V. Patel (9)
North Brunswick,, UNITED STATES


Delhi Akshardham is the most inspiring thing to see. When you see it, you will feel that joy that you haven't ever felt before. Even though I haven't seen it, I have heard many stories on how great it really is. Everyone says that before they went to see it, they were just happy. They didn't think it was this great. When they got there, it was amazing to them. Seeing such a great accomplishment of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, just makes you want to be there forever. I would like to go there and share that same happiness that everyone had when they first saw Delhi

Akshardham.Payal Patel (12)


Pramukh Swami Maharaj, even at an old age, has built such a monument that will last FOREVER... If it wasn't for Bapa, Delhi Aksharsdham wouldn't have been here...

Alisa (12)


When I looked at this beautiful monument's pictures all I could say was,"Wow." I greatly wished I could've been there. Akashardham was beautiful and even by just looking at the pictures you expirience inner peace. This is what I think about akashardham. I am looking forward to go there.

shatabdi patel (13)


I have visited the website which is amazing. The Monument is awesome! By just looking at it, I get excited to visit it! I can see the bright Indian future!

Jeni Patel (7)
Eden prairie, UNITED STATES


Akshardham is the best monument i've ever seen, the musical fountain is wicked. i luv the golden murti in the main mandir. whoever ain't been, best go. jai swaminarayan

Yogini Patel (12)


I feel great about Akshardham beacuse I love the mucical fountins.

Shreeja (9)


Jai Swaminarayan I think Akshardham is great I love the way the carvings have been done and am amazed at what a facinating thing Bapa has created.

Akash Patel (9)


Delehi Akshardam was amazing beyond words. The dances, speeches, and the actual monument was filled with so much color, light, and festivity. I have showed picturs to my teaches and friends and all have said this is the most amazing thing that they have ever seen. Delhi Akshardham is a place everyone should visit at least once in their life time. To me Delhi Akshardam is a place where anyone can find peace and happiness.

Devki Patel (14)
Atlanta, Georgia, UNITED STATES


Akshardham is an awesome place. any person who visits India should go to Delhi Akshardham. Just looking at pictures of it gives my mind peace.

Payal Patel (12)


the Delhi akshardham is sooo awesome! Every person (not just indian) should go see it. THere is so much to do and see and its all so interesting. Its way cooler than the Taj's the only true hindu attraction in delhi. They have dancing fountains, you can watch mystic india,you go on a boat ride, they have many exhibits, they have a humongo neelkanth varni that can be seen from really far away, a premvati foodcourt, a giant souvenir shop with like everything, and so soo much more. its the can't go to india without visiting the delhi akshardham.

priya d patel (13)



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