Following his acclamation at the Shatabdi celebrations in Ahmedabad, Vandan Popat, of the Wellingborough (UK) Bal Mandal has notched up another feather in his cap. Vandan was invited by the head of the humanities at his school to talk to selected pupils on Hinduism with reference to Avtar vaad, Murti Pooja, Karma vaad & Punar janma vaad. Taking up the challenge, Vandan prepared a power point slide show and under the sub heading of murti pooja gave a live performance of nitya pooja explaining every step of it (tilak chandlo, dandvat, reading of Vachnamrut etc) to an audience of eight different classes composed of 30 pupils each. What was remarkable about the live performance was that Vandan was dressed in dhotiya and the upper garment (uup vastra) and when his parents visited him, he also performed, without hesitation, the panchag pranam in full view of the audience. With the help of Pujya Manoharmurti Swami, Vandan had prepared information leaflets on vegetarianism, London Mandir brochure and 2007 review and also BAPS kids website visiting card. The head of the humanities acknowledged Vandan's exploits in a letter.