Seeing God in All


Seeing God in All

Swamishri had been in New York for a few days. Ghanshyambhai came in with Markandey, his seven year-old son, for Swamishri’s darshan. The line was very long. Swamishri listened to everyone and blessed them.

Markandey watched the sight in front of him with curiosity. The innocent mind of little Markandey was flooded with all kinds of thoughts. Finally, it was their turn. Swamishri blessed Ghanshyambhai, who then held Markandey up to meet Swamishri.

Swamishri blessed Markandey with a friendly pat on the back. Then, Markandey playfully patted Swamishri on the back.

Yogicharan Swami said. “Markandey, we receive blessings from our guru, not give them. For this mistake offer a dandvat to Bapa,”

His father also insisted that he do a dandvat. Just as Markandey was about to do a dandvat, Swamishri stopped him. “Hold on, hold on. You can bless me too.”

Hearing this, Markandey again patted Swamishri on the back. Everyone was astonished to witness humility and child-like innocence?

Swamishri’s greatness lies in being able to see Maharaj and Swami in even a small child. And children see a close friend and relative in him.

INSPIRATION: Swamishri is a humble sadhu.

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