| Dr. Kanubhai Dhanani came to Sarangpur from Botad with his son, Vikram. Vikram recited a Swamini Vat he had memorized to Pramukh Swami Maharaj, “Some are controlled by the mind, while some control the mind. This statement is worth contemplating on daily.” Swami asked, “Vikram! Have you learnt how to control your mind?” He replied, “No Swami.”
Swamishri asked again, “Do you want to learn how to control your mind?”
He answered, “Yes, Swami.”
Swamishri explained in such a way that even a child could understand, “Listen; don’t give your mind what it wants. If it says, ‘Don’t go to school’ then you should immediately go to school. In this way control your mind.”
Vikram was delighted.
Through this incident Swami is trying to explain to every child that if you wish to control your mind, you should:
Do puja even if your mind tells you not to. Even if you are embarrassed to apply the tilak-chandlo on your forehead, you should still apply it.
Even if your mind says no, you should still bow down to your parents and study regularly without being lazy.
If your mind says no to offering dandvats (prostrations), then you should still do them.
If we do this, that means we have controlled our mind.
INSPIRATION: We have truly controlled our minds only if we remain firm in our niyams and dharma.