| Depression will come, pain will come. So we should develop the strength to tolerate. If we attain the knowledge of ãtmã-Paramãtmã, we will never be depressed.
We experience misery because of our social life. Our body is a slave of our desires, so we will have to face difficulties. Even devotees have had tough times. But they were unaffected by them because they had understanding. Even Muktãnand Swãmi suffered from Tuberclosis. This body is a haven for disease. Nath Bhakta never had any money, but he was happy! Depression will come but we should dispel it with understanding. The Satpurush gives us such understanding. But we cannot dispel depression by our own comprehension. On the path of righteousness there are hundreds of obstacles. With wisdom we can overcome them.
Vachanãmritam Sarangpur 18 says, ‘One who is depressed will either go to sleep, fast, argue with others or even commit suicide.’ God and His Saint are the removers of depression. Thus we should not be disheartened. When depression comes we should stand and fight it. One who cooks will obviously get burnt sometimes. Thus one who has not taken this path feels nothing; one who has, experiences all kinds of problems.