| Sadhus and devotees enthusiastically make many different types of food for Swami Bapa to eat. But whatever it is, Swami Bapa always first offers it to Thakorji before eating it himself.
Swamishri was once in Japan. Someone had made shiro for him, but instead of sugar, salt had accidentally been used. Just imagine how salty the shiro must have been! How would you like salty ice cream?
When Swamishri sat down to eat. He was served chapattis, cooked vegetables and the salty shiro. Yet, despite its disgusting taste, Swami ate the shiro without uttering a word!
Nobody knew the truth about the shiro until they sat down to eat themselves. “This shiro is packed with salt!” the sadhus said as they tasted the shiro. But, Swamishri had eaten it without saying a word! Swami didn’t slam his bowl, nor did he get mad. He didn’t complain, nor did his face even cringe!
“Why didn’t you say anything?” one of the sadhus asked. “Why didn’t you complain?”
“Whatever comes in Thakorji’s thal is prasad, and so we should eat it without complaining,” Swamishri replied. “Sometimes people make mistakes when cooking, but there is no point in making a fuss? We should think of God while eating and eat whatever we are given.”
Swami Bapa isn’t the least bit choosy when it comes to food. Being able to think of God while eating is Swamishri’s definition of a great meal.
INSPIRATION: We shouldn’t be stubborn when it comes to food. Everything we eat, we should make at home and then serve to God. We shouldn’t eat restaurant food. |