BAPS Kids - With Swamishri BAPS Kids - With Swamishri

“Atma-Paramatma” Technique


“Atma-Paramatma” Technique


On 12 July 1994 a youth asked Swamishri, “Which is your best time of the day?”

“I enjoy every moment because Bhagwan Swaminarayan is always with me.”

In 1992, right after Swaminarayan Akshardham in Gandhinagar had been inaugurated during the Yogiji Maharaj Birth Centenary Celebrations, Pramukh Swami Maharaj left Gandhinagar for Nadiad. In Nadiad, Swamishri was sitting with a few devotees and sadhus when one of the devotees said, “Do you feel lonely here? There were tens of thousands of people in Gandhinagar and there are only five people here.”

Swamishri replied, “I have God with me, so I am never lonely. I continuously enjoy his company. If you don’t have God, you would feel lonely even if you are with all the people in the world.”

Once, Janmangal Swami noticed how busy Swamishri was, “You are always busy doing work.”

Swamishri replied, “I am never busy doing work. I am always worshipping Bhagwan Swaminarayan.”

Being able to remember God even in the midst of constant activity is one of Swamishri’s great abilities. Swamishri calls it the ‘atma-Paramatma technique’.

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