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Viraktihi - Attachment to Only Bhagwan


Viraktihi - Attachment to Only Bhagwan


Friends, can you remember when you really wanted something? Was it less than a day a go? Was it a week ago? What was it that you wanted? Was it a toy, or a book, or new clothes? It seems there is always something on our minds that we want. Do you know what Swami Bapa wants? He always has only one thought on his mind. That is Bhagwan. This, my friends is known as viraktihi, the desire for nothing except Bhagwan.

As we all know, Swami Bapa was born in Chansad in 1921. It was here that he swam in the lake and played cricket with his friends as a young boy. To most people, their childhood home would mean a lot, and they would always remember it no matter how old they got. If they grow up and decide to move somewhere else, they will always remember to visit the town once in a while to bring back memories of being a child. Once, some youths asked Swami Bapa to talk about his memories of being a boy in Chansad. They hoped he would share stories of playing cricket with his friends or maybe winning a swimming competition. However, Swami Bapa stopped them, and said “I don’t have a hometown; I don’t have a home or any relatives. I have Bhagwan and that is enough! I worship Bhagwan and teach others to do the same.”

In 1997, some youths suggested that Swami Bapa be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the biggest awards in the world. It would be a great honour if given to Swami Bapa. Swami Bapa’s name would reach all corners of the world and everyone would know about what Swami Bapa has accomplished. However, before they could continue, Swami Bapa stopped them and said, “We have Bhagwan Swaminarayan and gurus Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj. Is the Nobel Prize better than that?” He then told the sadhus and devotees that worldly awards do not mean anything, and that it is best to worship God.

It is Swami Bapa’s pure love for Bhagwan that lets him turn down such worldly honours. This is Swami Bapa’s viraktihi. Thus, we should always remember Swami Bapa and understand that the best joy in life comes from Bhagwan only

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