BAPS Kids - With Swamishri BAPS Kids - With Swamishri

True Progress


True Progress


While Swamishri was on his way to perform his morning puja, several fat APC students joked, “We progress immensely at APC.” Swamishri asked in response, “Yes, do progress. But in what?” With these words Swamishri proceeded to the mandir hall to do his puja. On returning after his puja, Swamishri explained the meaning of progress to the same students, “Firstly, it is very important to obey niyams. Then, after completing your studies, whether you live here or go abroad, you must not allow any type of addiction in your life. Don’t do anything that is wrong. Do bhajan regularly. Remember Maharaj routinely. Practice the principles of satsang and inspire them in others too. And whatever you have gained here through satsang teach it to others. After coming into satsang true progress lies in advancing ahead.” Swamishri revealed the essence of true progress to the youths.

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