This evening, Swamishri gave a message for children and youths to the popular ITV channel. On blessing the cameraman, Mr. Dayaram, Swamishri asked him, "Do you have any bad habits or addicitions?"
The cameraman replied that he was not vegetarian.
Swamishri then explained to him to become vegetarian but the cameraman simply shrugged his shoulders and said it would be difficult to give it up.
Swamishri responded, "By giving up meat you won't die. Millions of people are living without it. So give it up."
"I'll try my best," he replied.
"Have you seen a fish swim in water? It goes this way and that way enjoying itself. Is it good to take it out, kill it and then eat it? Would you like someone to snatch your child from you, kill him and then eat him?" Swamishri argued rationally.
"No, of course not!"
"Then you are doing exactly that! Therefore you should give it up. At least have a little compassion in life. Live and let them live too ..."
Swamishri's conviction and selfless motive transformed Mr. Dayaram and he pledged, "I will give up eating meat."