3-year-old Yogi came up and asked, "Bapa, how is your health?"
Swamishri looked at him lovingly, stretched out his own hand and offered, "Why don't you check the pulse and see what you think?" Then, taking Yogi's hand Swamishri placed it on his own wrist and taught him how to check the pulse.
"See, it's O.K. here. It's beating properly," Swamishri said, pressing Yogi's fingers so that he could feel his beating pulse. Swamishri looked at him and asked, "Is it beating here?" But Yogi was more interested in Swamishri's darshan and so did not reply. He just continued to gaze at Swamishri.
"Is it there? Can you feel it going up and down?"
A few seconds later, Yogi innocently questioned, "What's happening?" Everyone burst into laughter.
The interplay continued.
Yogi asked, "Are you well?"
Swamishri replied, "Yes, the pulse is good, so I'm well."
Again trying to coax Yogi to feel his pulse, Swamishri said, "See, it's beating here." Then, grasping his little hand, Swamishri asked, "Is your pulse beating?"
Yogi looked on in amazement and then shook his head in reply.
"But it is beating, it really is!" Both gazed at each other in silence.
Yogi broke the silence and pleaded, "Do something so that you get well."
Swamishri again took Yogi's hand, began to stroke it in the palm of his own hand and told him, "Repeat... Swaminarayan... Swaminarayan..."
The interplay of the two balaks - one young and one divine - was a memorable and refreshing sight.