My Favourite Prasang
Your eyes light up when you see him. You get butterflies when you hear him. Guess who? It’s our great friend, Mahant Swami Maharaj! Indeed, being with Swamishri comes with quite some vibes!
But did you know that Bhagwan Swaminarayan explains in the Vachanamrut that we can always keep our guru by our side? He says we can do so by thinking about his prasangs.
Do you know any prasangs of Mahant Swami Maharaj? Please share one that you like the best. If you don’t know any prasangs off hand, go and do some research. We’d love to hear from you!
My favourite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he is always eager and pays attention to ever little detail shown to him. Not only that but, Mahant Swami Maharaj at the age of 90, (Birthday on the 13th) still complies with all the niyams, of satsang and shows humility towards all. One such prasang of Swami Bapa's eagerness was on the 3/9/2017, Robinsville, when Swami bapa easily spotted the kids standing as paramhansas on the stage. Haribhaktos later recalled the incident and said, "No human could ever see the difference but Mahant Swami... He is truly divine and came pragat in the form of a Sant. Furthermore, on March 31, 2019 Swamishri was residing in Sarangpur when in the night, he called a small boy down the stairs too meet him, Mahant Swami Maharaj then said, "2 days earlier the boy had come with his father to meet swami, he had a deep desire that swamishri places his hand on his head and blesses him. However, the doctors advised the boy to not meet Swamishri as it could greatly make Bapa sick and give him diseases, however Mahant Swami is Sarvopari and has a unique way of reaching out to people as little as small children. Lastly, Swami was on his mornign walk when a haribhakta asked swami to give blessings to his newborn, the newborn placed his hands on swamishri's head and gave him the least of the arshivaad, after this incident. Swami uttered, "He is giving me his arshivad" this prasang highlighted that swami believes everyone is equal and has power.
Dev (12)
Jay swaminaraya! My favourite prasang of mahant swami maharaj was in gold coast. In 2018, there was a yuvak yuvati shibhir happening in gold coast. Swami was going to the assembly, to reach the hall he had to go in a lift. Once swamishri and a few sadhus got in the lift, the lift became stuck due to mechanical issue! During the situation, Mahant swami maharaj stayed come and did not put anyone at fault. Once he reached the assembly hall, all the haribhaktos were wondering why it took so long for swami to reach the assembly. After some time, Swami bapa stood up him self and went towards the mic podium and explained to everyone this whole incident. This is my favorite prasang because i can learn to stay calm and think positivley. Whenever i am in a situation, instead of blaming everyone i can think about the possible reasons for why this situation may have happened.
Prarthana Patel (13)
Once, Yogi Bapa and some sadhus were travelling and arrived at keriya village, where they decided to rest. During the afternoon, the sadhus were all resting except Yogi Bapa. Because he was fasting, he was awake and taking care of various tasks. Some other sadhus who were opposed to the principle of Akshar-Purushottam arrived to punish them. They entered the mandir where everyone was resting and started beating up the sadhus. They smashed pots, pushed the sadhus and broke things. They even pushed a blind sadhu, Bhagwatswarupdasji, against the wall; such was their cruelty! Finally some satsangi villagers arrived with sticks and chased away the opposing sadhus. After the disturbance, the satsangis were very upset, but neither Yogi Bapa nor any of the other sadhus muttered even one single word against their attackers. This incident truly highlights how tolerance is a definition of sadhuta – ‘saintliness’. Even after reading this incident, we might think, “How can I stay so calm in such a blood-boiling situation?” The solution: if we always remember that Maharaj is the all-doer and that nothing happens without his wish, then we can see the above type of situation as an opportunity to erase our swabhavs and increase our control over our emotions and mind. We can use the situation as an opportunity to learn about ourselves instead of looking for faults in others. But this understanding does not come so easily. We must also pray daily to Yogi Bapa and our guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj in our puja. We should ask them to bless us with the ability to learn the virtue of tolerance so that we can be resilient in any difficult situation and behave how they would have behaved, rather than responding to our emotions and mind.
Angel (13)
Edmonton, CANADA
I remember one prasang back in 2017 Akshardham Robbinsville USA. One Balak standing in Piller with his hand folded with flower nackles in white clothes and chock Paint his whole body. Mahant Swami Maharaj saw him and touch his feet. Mahant swami Maharaj is my GURU and he is really Nirmani , selfless and very inspiring. Mahant Swami Maharaj teach very valuable lessons in life.
Jay Amin (13)