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    Memorable Moments at Mandir

Memorable Moments at Mandir

Weekends are special because that's when many of us gather with our friends at the mandir to learn about satsang and have fun. Together, we attend sabhas, enjoy delicious food, and play lots and lots of games.

Take a minute to reflect. What do you like the most about attending mandir? Is it learning about satsang in sabha? Or is it getting the chance to do seva? Or is it meeting people who are like you that you enjoy the most?

Think about it for a second. Why do you enjoy this activity in particular? Answer with as much detail as possible!

My favorite thing about going to Mandir is that me and my friends can all do seva together. This opportunity to serve our elders is great. My Sanchalaks teach me different ways to give back to the Mandir. I am learning through my sevas to be a better member of my community. Sometimes my friends and I do trash seva where we collect people’s dirty dishes and throw them away for them. We have also helped in our Mandirs kitchen.
Avinash Darji (12)

Jai swaminarayan , in my family we have a rule Sunday for Mandir , so we don’t plan anything on that day . Sunday is the day I look forward to attend my sabha where I enjoy sabha activity . Enjoy learning something new every Sunday . But the most I look forward doing darshan in the mandir and being quizzed . I do wait a week to see my mandir friends and play with them .
Ananthara Bapu (9)

There are many major factors that help build our strength and conviction in the mandir but for me there are 3 that stand out. Firstly, visiting Maharaj and looking at his amazing Vagha and colour combinations portray an essence of calmness. Bal Sabha is also great as there are many different opportunities such as playing musical instruments, doing chap pal seva, singing, and storytelling. Furthermore, Bal Sabha helps me in many different ways as it teaches me the core roots of Hinduism and elaborates my knowledge even further. Lastly, I enjoy the mandir as I see many friends making it fun and exciting to come to the mandir. Although there are sometimes some stubbornness and inappropriate behaviour coming to the mandir and seeing my friends always puts a smile on my face. Hence, coming to the mandir is a way to unleash our pathway to Moksha and have calmness at the same time.
Dev (12)
Brisbane South, AUSTRALIA

I have a really fun time when I am eating then giveing dadas water because they are always happey at I like giveing them water there are other things like helping people out at mandir also many other sevas I will like to do.
Jay (14)
greensboro , UNITED STATES

Jay Swaminarayan to everyone and thanks to Mahant Swami Maharaj for giving us a very precious gift 🎁❤which is SABHAS I just love going in sabha, my both sanchalika(Diksha & Monika di) are very supportive and they come up with beautiful stories, interesting games and also I miss my old Sanchalika(Freya di & Falguni di) If you both are seeing this 😀please make a visit to Jambhulwadi Sabha.. Lastly,I just want to say is sabhas are fantastic and don't miss it....
Mansi Patil (13)

Jay Swaminarayan, You know, when our mandir in Bellvue was inaugrated, I was a baby, and since then our mandir, when you imagine other people on weekends, they might dine out, go to the park, but mandir's way more than that, it home, its the place where I laugh with my best friends,its where I celebrated my tenth birthday, and where I did darshan of Kothari Bapa on birthday, bhagya che mara, but its the place where I connect with swamibapa, where I can pour out my worries to someone I know will listen and care,its actually home. In my mandir we have something called the Cleaning Crew, its where we do any type of seva, big, or small! We have meetings every last Sunday of the month.I can laugh, I can cry, I have good friends, they motivate me, they are satsangi's too! This year, in June we are going to Andar Akshardham, this year we have walkathon and more events too! My Mandir my Home.. Jay Swaminarayan.
Jitarthi Nayak (11)

Attending the mandir on weekends is one of my favorite things to do, and there are so many reasons why I love it! Meeting my friends at the mandir is always the highlight of my week. In Sabha, we learn about Satsang through interesting stories and teachings. The stories are often about important figures and lessons that teach us how to be good and kind person. Doing seva, or volunteer work, at the mandir is another part I enjoy. The food at the mandir is always delicious! Sharing a meal with everyone is a wonderful experience. We get to try different dishes, and it feels like a big family dinner. Being at the mandir gives me a strong sense of belonging. It feels like a second home. A memorable moment at the mandir is the time when we organized a special celebration for Diwali. It was such a wonderful experience that it has stayed with me ever since.
Charmie Movaliya (11)

Jai Swaminarayan. The most thing I like about mandir is that in balika sabha I get the knowledge of our Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the Gunatit gurus and to know their life style and what they have done for us.The best thing about mandir is that I like to do is seva.
Cheshta.Vara (13)

I like Bal mandal because on the weekend we feel refreshed. We play existing games and listen the end of the sabha we played games that moral in real life. Thank you
Dev Damani (14)
Gandhinagar, INDIA

Jay swaminarayan, peers!!,the best moment in mandir was on the day of diwali i was filled with joy on that day because i celebrated the diwali with bapa (HH MAHANT SWAMI MAHARAJ)and other and with my balmandal yuvaks
Raj bhalara (13)
Rajkot, INDIA

i like mandirs because there is spirutality and peace and like the creation of creation-239
Parth (12)

Jai Swaminarayan, as Yogi Bapa createad Bal sabha for all the young kids like us , I am always excited for Sunday where I can attend my sabha that teaches me who I am , what my true identity is, helps me to make a strong Jodan with Maharaj and swami. Through my sabha I learn lot about Satsang. I always keep in a quote in mind by Yogi Bapa to let go your profit of 2500 Rs but don’t skip the sabha , because you are going to loose more than that if you skip sabha .
Sophia Bapu (13)

I like to go to Mandir because, the atmosphere in mandir is very much peaceful and relaxing. In mandir I always feel that God is beside me. I like the Prasad and the food of premvati...🙏🙏Jay Swaminarayan...
Hetvi kinnar joshi (11)
Vadodara, INDIA

One of the memorable moment at mandir is when I got to sing the dhun before arti during shiver.
Aditya Shroff (8)

I enjoy going to mandir the most because it allows me to meet people who share similar values and beliefs. I meet friends who like to do the same things as me and I feel more connected to them than any other people. Furthermore, Learning about satsang in sabha helps me understand our traditions and values more deeply, which I find very enriching. Sometimes we even learn about Hindu festivals such s Diwali and Holi which I find very intriguing. Doing seva gives me a sense of fulfilment, as I feel like I am contributing to the community. Overall, the combination of learning, seva, and connecting with my friends makes going to Sunday Sabha truly special and meaningful for me.
Nitya Patel (11)

Jai Swaminarayan, something that I like about attending mandir is that I can learn new things about our satsang and also about Hinduism. I also like attending mandir because it gives me a chance to do darshan of bhagwan which also brings me peace and it also can allow me to pray to bhagwan for any worries or any exams coming up, I also enjoy attending mandir because I can connect or communicate with my friends and familly on either normal days or any festivals. I like attending in my different types of sevas that I am eligible to because I know that keeping samp and doing seva etc can make bapa raji. The festival that I most likely love is diwali because I get to see the fireworks from our mandir each year also because I get a chance to get along with my family and meet new people, and in kids diwali I can always connect with my friends more it also gives me a chance to strengthen my skill of communication. I like attending mandir because it is a place I can go whenever I want. Jai Swaminarayan
Shreena Patel (11)




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