Kids Creations
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   My Prayers for new year
My Prayers for new year
Jai Swaminarayan, Maharaj please give me the strength to tell right from wrong and good from bad.Lead me from darkness to lightness.Please give me the strength to follow all my niyams and your wishes.Help me to keep up with my grades and not fall back.Give me the blessings so i can exceed in life and satsang.Please bless me so that i will keep developing in satsang and never go on the wrong road.May you always reside in my heart.May everyone live peacefully and succeed in life.
Ami Patel (14)

He maharaj, he swami, please give me the strength to follow all your niyams and stay in the path of satsang. You have made the path to akshardham easier so please, save me from the maya and the outside world and so I attain akshardham. I also pray that i get good grades and do well in my studies. Lastly, I wish to have an excellent year and that i become an adarsh balak and please swamishri.
Dhaval V. Patel (12)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES

Summing up of what I will pray to Maharaj and Swami on Beshtu Varash in just 7-8 lines is so unfair. Because despite the fact that God has given us so much, us human beings never stop asking.... We always ask for more and more. But the one thing I always ask is "Jema maru shrey hoi em karavjo" meaning, dont give me what I like, but give me what is good for me. I am unaware of the future, but God isnt. Hence I ask him to provide me with things which are good for me, which will help me. Because its very easy slipping off from the path of Satsang! And my only goal is to please Bapa under any circumstances, in whatever I do, achieve and become. And I never ever forget to ask Maharaj that. The only way I can give somehting abck to him is by pleasing Him, Bapa and brightening the name of BAPS.. I am very grateful to God for giving me everything, I never forget thanking Him and ask Him to always be with me. Because He and Bapa are the driving force, energy, power of my life!
Khushboo Miyani (15)

I will pray that I do good in school. I want to get a successful life and be the best in school.
Kishan Patel (11)

On Bestu Varsh I would pray for Bapa's health to get very good.Also I would pray for the santos health to get well.A wish i will make is for Bapa to come to America atleast one more time!Also I would wish for my grades to get higher, and I would have the highst grade in the class.My last wish would be, to keep doing seva for my parents.
Shivani Patel (10)

These are 10 traits about my friend. She is: 1.helpful 2.kind/nice 3.supporting 4.understanding 5.polite 6.respectful to others 7.caring 8.honest 9.intelligent and always appreciatable. These are the 10 traits about my friend.
Rima patel (10)
My best friend is Dhaval Patel, from Edison Mandir. He is really special to me, because he is always there to help if I need it. He always has a pure, compassionate smile on his face, and everyone around him gets one too. He is smart and talented, yet humble and modest. He is energetic and cheerful, yet serious and determined. He is a great, all-rounded balak, and I am proud to call him my best friend. Jay Swaminarayan.
Aneek Patel (12)
he maharaj he swami bless us on this new year so we contiue our life in your way. may we not make any mistakes that wil not pliz u.grant us knowlegde so we study well to pliz u n our parents. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. ALWAYS REMEMBER BAPS EK PARIVAR Jai Swaminarayan
amruta chawda (13)
nairobi, KENYA

This year I wish for a better, happier year with my whole family together. I pray to Maharaj that I get better in not only studies, but also in doing satsang. Such as, I hope to go to the mandir every Sunday with my parents and grandparents and to stay interested in the main topic of the sabha. Also, I hope and pray that my anger will decrease as I have a short temper and can get very furious at times. Now, for others, I pray that my grandfather gets well very soon. These are my prayers to Bhagwan Swaminarayan for this peaceful New Year... Jai Swaminarayan and a Happy Peaceful and Prosperous New Year to All!
Priyanshi (12)
Ahmedabad, INDIA

Every year on bestu varsh i wish that my  year at school will be a good year and that i will be able to work hard and achieve well. I also wish that my year goes well and ask god to protect and look after me, my family. I also pray that all the wishes my family make all come true so that my family stay happy.
Viral Gandhi (13)

On this auspicious occasion of betsu varsh,I would like to seek the blessings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.I will try my best to avoid wrong and sinful tasks and to rectify my mistakes.I hope that the supreme God will give me sufficient power to do all this and to do good to all.
Soumya (10)
bandhabahal,orissa, INDIA

I will ask Maharaj and Swami forgive me about all the mistakes about my past year. I hope he gives me the ability to spend this coming year in peace, and purity. I will try not to make any mistakes. I hope this coming year will be better than my last one.
Aarti Patel (12)

On Bestu Varsh I will pray to Bhagwan that I become successful in life. I will also pray for a peaceful year. I hope this year will be a good year for me. One wish is I will make is I wish my Dada's eyes get better, because he is starting to see stuff blurry. Also I have a goal I want to accomplish. In School ,and Satsang I want to learn a lot more than I already learned. So I will pray to Bhagwan everyday. Jay Swaminarayan
Rutul Patel (14)

Hey Maharaj, Hey Swami... I pray to your holy feet that the new year is a great one. I pray that i am able to advance in both school, and in Satsang, and learn new things and make new friends along the way. I also pray that Bapa's health remains well, and that we are able to make an Akshardham here in New Jersey, with the blessings from Swamishri. Jay Swaminarayan
Aneek Patel (12)

I pray first to Maharaj and BAPA to engage me in devotional service more and more. I want to thank Majaraj for giving me life and making me a pure devotee of the lord because there is no other goal in life than to do seva. The second wish I make is for BAPA's health so he can come to USA. Jai Swaminarayan.
Kirtan (12)

I pray to Maharaj and Swami that they forever keep me in their seva and may the year to come be a posperous and happy year. May I learn more things in Satsang and learn to see the great mahima of Haribhaktos and I hope to keep Swami Shree close to my heart forever and ever ...
Rameshvari Patel (16)

He maharaj he swami.  swamibapanu swasthaya saras rakhjo, hu listen karu mummy daddy nu, mane aadarsh balika banavajo, mane doctor banavjo, teacher je keh te listen karu, mari schoolma mari kasi bhul naa thaay, schoolma badhanu listen karu, hu sarkhi rite puja karu, thakorji maari ghare ave tyare hu haar, phool ne badhu aapu, amara gharma shaanti rahe, mandirma seva karu, mandire sabhama jau ane gujarati bhanu, schoolma badhu homework kaaru
sakshi (5)
westerville, UNITED STATES

The wonderful celebration of the New Year in our Indian calender has arrived. On bestu varsh, I will pray for better grades throughout the schoolyear. I will pray for peace in this harsh world we currently live in. Lastly, I will pray for Maharaj and Swami's eternal forgiveness for any faults which I committ this upcoming year.
Sankalp Patel (12)

I would pray that the upcoming year would be the best. I would pray that I will suceed in my studys. I would pray for the energy and determination to please Maharaj and Swami in ever way. I would pray for Bapa's health. I would pray for Bapa's ragipo. Finally I would pray for Akshardham.
Vandan Patel (10)


This year for Bestu Varash i am going to wish that i can please prumuck swami by doing well in my studies and and advancing in satsang. I will pray to maharaj and swami that he gives me lots of strengh so that i can do nirjala upas and ekadashi. I will also pray so that i can do ek - tana during shravan month. I will pray that i can do lots of devottes seva and especially maharaj and swami's seva.
Hamish Hira (10)

Jai swaminarayan Please forgive me for the bad deeds I have done this year. I hope to follow all the niyams and to stay in the path of Satsang. I wish to fulfill all your wishes. Lastly, I hope I have a wonderful year.
Sweta V. Patel (8)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES

On New Years Day when I go for darshan of bhagwaan, I will pray to go to akshardham. I also want to pray for good grades and to get a great education. I also want to pray for my baa and dada's health. I'm really excited for annakut this year. I can't wait to make my wishes! Jay Swaminarayan.
Komal Patel (11)

What i would wish for is to have lots of friends and please bapa with all the wishes that he has commande to us kids and i wish to suceed in school by coming in first of all my classes and come to mandir everysunday and participate in all the activitie in the mandir that have been given and i want to itned all the shibirs and become better in satsang so that i can go to akshardham and that bapa comes pick me up and brind my soul to pease and quiet right next to lord swaminarayan.
Richa Patel (12)

Bestu Varsh:in bestu varsh i will pray thet bapas health remains well, i get good grades in school, all of of my family members remain happy, my friends remain happy, and satsang spreads all around the world. these are my wishes. Jai Swaminarayan!
Tilak Zinzuwadia (13)
East Brunswick, UNITED STATES

|| Jai Swaminarayan || The Bestu Varsh is coming. I have some wishes, and would like to express them with you: I would love it if Bapa comes to Sydney, Makes a Shikharbadh mandir here, Makes the largest Akshardham in the world in Sydney. I also wish for bapas health to stay healthy and he should always be happy. JSN Utsav Garach
Utsav Garach (13)

The wishes that I will make for Bestu Varash are that I can be Swamishri's proud and prized Balika. I will also wish for the benefit of my family and friends. I will wish that I keep up my grades in school and gain Swamishri's raajipo. I will pray for what Shreeji Maharaj in the Vachanamrut has written to pray for daily in your nitya pooja. The special prayer is "He Maharaj, He Swami, He Bapa, amaaraa kutumbne kundapanthi, shaktipanthi, shushkvedanti, ane naastik, aa chaar prakaarnaa kusangio thi door raksho ji, and kaam krodh, lobh, moh, ahamkar, irshiya, ane dehabhimaan, e aadik anahashatroo thi raksho karsho ji, ane nitya tamaaraa bhaktano samaagam dejo. Jay Swaminarayan." In this way, I shall pray to Bhagwaan and Swami to protect me and my family. Jay Swaminarayan
Krisha Amin (12)



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