Kids Creations
Result of Creation- 55


What does the Quote say?
From the ‘Daily Quote’ section on our Website, select any ONE quotation you like and write your views on that quotation (in 4-7 sentences).

"TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MORE." I liked this quote the most because it has an excellent message to the people that if everyone works together , they can achieve their goals. It's like the story of the farmer and his 4 sons. When the sons tried to break the stick individually, they weren't able to do it. But working together or doing something together develops unity , co-operation , and working skills. So, i really loved the message of this quote.
Ishani (13)
Scarborough, CANADA
"LOOK BEYOND THE HORIZON TO ACHIEVE THE IMPOSSOBLE" I like this quotation because it means that nothing is impossible in this world.Suppose you have a goal to read the vachanamrut 108 times inorder to get maharajs darshan,you shouldn't give it up.You should always be determined to do what you want and never give up.It is very important to remember this quotation so you won't ever think of giving up.You can relate this to school to. When trying to get the highest grade in school or being the best student it is important to never give up. JAI SWAMINARAYAN
Ami Patel (14)

THE BEST WAY FOR A PERSON TO HAVE HAPPY THOUGHTS IS TO COUNT HIS BLESSINGS NOT HIS CASH. What I like about that quote is that it gives the vibe telling you that don't be so greedy about money because it's always gonna fly away from you.Blessings will never ever fly away from you!
Shivani Patel (10)
South Brunswick, UNITED STATES

ONLY ONE DESIRE SHOULD BE CHERISHED AND THAT IS " I WANT TO GO TO AKSHARDHAM" is a quote by Gunatitand Swami. You should not desire materialistic things, such as video games and ther types of mayas. Our main goal put of our 4.6 million life cycles is to go to Akshardham, and nothing else. Akshardam is our only goal in life and we can achieve it with Pramukh Swami Maharaj's help
Devan (14)

Jai Swaminarayan friends, The quote that I pick is "Impossible is not in my dictionary" Nothing is impossible. Like PP Swamibapa says, hard work + prayer = sucess. Remember, impossible says I M POSSIBLE.
Janki (11)

The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count his blessings not his cash. I think this statment is completely true . Because if people have money that don't have peace, and the poor people has no money but then also they are happy and satisfied with what they have. Rich people always try to achieve more and more, but sometimes when they fall down they are not capable to even stand by their own. I'm happy that I'm in a medium section. Sometimes we don't have money but then also we are happy because god help us in some way.
Akruti Patel (14)
COURAGE CAN CONQUER ANY SUMMIT You have to have courage to do anything. Courage is the most important thing. This is what the quote means.
Parth Patel (11)
Coral Springs, UNITED STATES

THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE IS NOT IN MY DICTIONARY I think that this is a good quote because we should never think that we can't do something. We should always try and give it a go, thus thinking there is no word such as "impossible". We should always think that the word impossible means "I am possible". Before doing anything we should pray to bapa and say bapa you give me the strength so i can do it.
Hamish Hira (11)
A HOSPITAL HELPS CURE PHYSICAL DISEASES. SIMILARLY, THE WAY TO CURE OUR INNER AILMENTS LIES IN READING THE SCRIPTURES, SPIRITUAL ASSOCIATION WITH THE HOLY SADHU AND DEVOTION TO GOD. - PRAMUKH SWAMI MAHARAJ In this quote, Pramukh Swami Maharaj is comparing a hospital with our holy scriptures and attachment with the ekantik sant. He says that our scriptures and association with the holy sadhu cures our inner ailments. A hospital can cure physical diseases but not your inner ailments.
Dhaval Patel (12)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES


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