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    Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami

Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami

This year, we celebrated Sharad Punam, the day Gunatitanand Swami was born in Bhadra, on 31 October. In Nenpur, our beloved guru Mahant Swami Maharaj performed the pratishtha of the murti of Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami and seated him next to Shri Harikrishna Maharaj.

To honour these celebrations, write one incident of Gunatitanand Swami that inspires you in 6-8 lines. You can refer to our Aksharpith books on Gunatitanand Swami or our websites to help you.

Jay Swaminarayan. The prasang that inspires me is the one when Gunatitanand Swami's father Bhlolanath once said, "You have to do bhakti when you are old." so Mulji went out of his house and looked at the village. Everyone was gossiping! So when He came home He told His father what happened. This prasang inspires me that we should do bhakti when we are little. Thank you. Jay Swaminarayan
Krishna Mandaliya (9)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

It was raining heavily. Flashes of lightning were seen in the dark sky. Suddenly, Muktanand Swami woke from his sleep and saw a silhouette of a swami standing out in the rain. He called out ”who’s there” ”It’s me, Gunatitanand” came the reply. ”what are you doing in the rain” ”I’m waiting for maharaj’s darshan. He has gone into the darbar to talk to dada and his family. My eyes are eager to have his darshan.” Muktanand Swami went back into his room knowing Swami’s wish. Suddenly, at around 11:00pm, maharaj came out from the darbar and started walking to his residence, the akshar ordi. Just then a flash of light struck between Maharaj and Gunatitanand Swami. Swami’s eyes struck Maharaj. Gunatitanand Swami was waiting for this opportunity where he would have Maharaj's darshan. Even if it was a flash of light when Swami had Maharj’s darshan, he’s eyes were glowing with happiness of Maharj’s darshan. Fulfiled by his wish of having darshan of Maharaj, Swami quickly went to a tree nearby, lied down and fell fast asleep...
Misri Patel (12)

jai swaminarayan, aksharbrahman gunatitanand swami is really special because he is maharaj's divine abode akshartham. He stood outside in the rain and storm just for maharaj's darshan.
sharad patel (12)

The Prasang of Gunatitanand Swami that inspires me was when he was a small child. When his mother was offering milk to thakorji , mulji sharma told his mother to give himm the milk first. His mother told that thakorji must be offered first. Then Mulji Sharma said,"Mother thakorji resides in me, so if u offer me first, he will also be offered the same". His mother trusted him and gave him the milk.Once Mulji finished drinking, his mother saw thakorji's murti.She was astonished by seeing the moustache of milk on the murti.This inspires me because it explains how maharaj equally resides in gunatitanand swami.
Param Vikas Ponda (11)

One of the best things that surprise me about every single one of our gurus but mostly Gunatitanand Swami is that they can forgive many things and people and bless the bad to become good. The story that i relate to is the one where Gunatitanand swami and his santos were hit by many outsiders and Gunatitanand swami forgave every one of them and blessed the enemy head to have a son and become a satsangi when growing up. This had definitely happened just because of Swami's great qualities.
Jiya.V.Patel (12)

Jai Swaminarayan, Gunatitanand Swami has made a swami ni Vato booklet for everyone, and it is very inspiring to me because I know the meanings of a few of them and that makes me feel like to follow those quotes in my every day life. Jai swaminarayan.
Disha Patel (11)

In the beginning, under orders from Maharaj, Gunatitanand Swami travelled with Muktanand Swami’s group. One day they arrived in Jetalpur. At night, Muktanand Swami made preparations to sleep. Swami also decided to retire for the night. Muktanand Swami lay down on the stony ground without any bedding. So, Gunatitanand Swami was also about to lie down to sleep in the same manner. Muktanand Swami saw this and told him to make a bed for himself so that the stones would not hurt him. “But you are sleeping on the bare ground without any bedding,” Swami said. Muktanand Swami replied, “I have been instructed by Maharaj to do so.” On hearing this, Swami humbly replied, “The orders of Maharaj are meant for all. I, too, care for moksha.” Muktanand Swami was very happy to see the attitude of this young sadhu and said, “You’ll progress far.”
Vira Mehta (12)
Vadodara , INDIA

The incident that inspires me is -One day Gunatitanand Swami was standing in heavy rain and Maharaj was in the Darbar. It was very dark outside, just then Muktanand Swami came and said “who is standing there in this heavy rainfall” Gunatitanand swami said “ Muktanand Swami it’s me Gunatit ,I am standing here for darshan of Maharaj. When he will return from darbar I will get a chance for darshan”. Muktanand Swami said “ Gunatit you are really great “
Aadhya Mehta (11)
Vadodara , INDIA

my favouraite parasang of gunatitanand swami that We should offer devotion to god since childhood
Jayesh Bhadresa (11)
dar es salaam, TANZANIA

I am glad to have an opportunity to celebrate the Sharad punam festival in online bal sabha despite not going to mandir to celebrate. I can recall one incident which took in the late 1840s when mulji Sharma was born. He would always sing nursery rhymes for his brother of wanting him to be a sadhu as well as him himself.In few years later he amazingly ended up to be a sadhu wow! He did it. Let's fold our hands together and bow down to the mul akshar. Jay swaminarayan.
Het patel (13)
Kakamega, KENYA

Gunatitanand Swami held various administrative roles, most notably as the mahant of Junagadh mandir, a position he held for forty years. In addition, he was a prominent speaker and was held in high regard as an authority on religious matters in general. A collection of his most important teachings on dharma, knowledge of the atman, detachment, bhakti, and various other matters has been published under the name Swamini Vato. Gunatitanand Swami died in 1867, and a famous shrine known as the Akshar Deri was built upon the spot his cremation rites were performed.
krisha (11)
toronto, CANADA

Bhagwan Swaminarayan continuously emphasized that senior sadhus and devotees should spend time with Gunatitanand Swami. Throughout His lifetime, Bhagwan Swaminarayan referred to Gunatitanand Swami’s greatness numerous times. It was at these times that Bhagwan Swaminarayan was establishing the importance of His legacy in the gunatit sadhu for future generations. After Bhagwan Swaminarayan passed away, Gunatitanand Swami continued to spread His philosophy and to lead devotees to spiritually pure lifestyles. Although Gunatitanand Swami was the mahant of a large mandir, he constantly put himself at the service of others. One time, a sadhu came across the Junagadh mandir and saw Gunatitanand Swami sweeping in the yard. He asked Gunatitanand Swami where he would be able to find the mahant of the mandir. Gunatitanand Swami told him to wait inside and that the mahant would meet him there. After showering, Gunatitanand Swami met with the sadhu and introduced himself as the mahant. The sadhu expressed disbelief that the mahant of the mandir concerned himself with such menial tasks. It was at this point that the sadhu recognized that the true qualities of selfless service could be found in Gunatitanad Swami. Gunatitanand Swami’s legacy lies in his intense devotion and unique connection to Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Before passing away, the Swamini Vato was compiled. The Swamini Vato is a collection of Gunatitanand Swami’s observations and portions of the discussions he frequently held. It is considered one of the main scriptures of the Swaminarayan faith. At the age of 82, Gunatitanand Swami passed away in Gondal. A mandir has since been built on the site where his body was cremated as a memorial to the first spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. This mandir is referred to as Akshar Deri and is considered a place of pilgrimage for millions of devotees. Yogiji Maharaj had assured devotees that anyone performing a mahapuja at Akshar Deri would have their wishes granted.
krisha (11)
toronto, CANADA

gunatitaniand swami was a kind swami he was the best and i would like to say that he was very helpful when a difficult times come to him he will do anything to save people so that why he is a amazing swami
vanda (7)
toronto, CANADA

Jai Swaminarayan, I like to read about the prasang when Gunatitanad Swami gets drenched in heavy rains, just for a split second darshan of Maharaj. He waits for Maharaj to finish talking to the ladies late in the evening. His enthusiasm for Maharaj's darshan, no matter what the circumstances shows his unconditional love for him. Gunatitand Swami is truly immersed in Bhagwan's bliss 24/7.
Moksha Patel (14)




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