Kids Creations
Result of Creation- 241
    Thanking Our Family

Thanking Our Family

Think of your family as your very own team where everyone plays a special role. They lift us up when we’re feeling down and celebrate with us when we’re happy. From shared meals, to spending quality time with us, there are countless reasons to feel grateful for our family.

What are some things that you are grateful for that your family does for you? Answer in as much detail as you can.

My family lift us up when we’re feeling down and celebrate with us when we’re happy. From shared meals, to spending quality time with us, there are countless reasons to feel grateful for our family.
Nishtha patel (10)
calagary, CANADA

Jai swaminarayan! I am grateful for my family because they are always with me through good times and bad times.
Aastha Suthar (10)

I am grateful for my family beacause they are like the roots of a tree from taking me to Mandir every Sunday, Taking me to play cricket, and teaching me all what I know today. They give me what I wanted like my electric scooter, My mom cooks the best food for me, and my dad takes me out to cool places. This is why I love my parents and are grateful to them
Aaryan Patel (10)

I would thank my parents for admiting me in an amazing school.They fufill all my wishes, and provide me all the facilities and necessities. I love my parents a lot for everything they have done for me till now.❤
Yug Parmar (10)
Ahmedabad , INDIA

Families are a source of unwavering support and love, providing a foundation for our lives that is built on trust, understanding, and acceptance. They offer guidance and encouragement, helping us navigate life's challenges and celebrate its triumphs, while creating lasting memories and a deep connection that shapes who we are and who we become.
Brahmbhatt Akshita R (11)
Borsad , INDIA

My mom and dad plays with me,they help me do my homework and we watch Guruhari darshan every day and when I need something for my school they bring it for me
Varni bhavik makwana (12)
Mumbai, INDIA

My family always supports me during my downfall and rise.They always encourage me to excel in all the areas such as satsang,studies and extracurricular activities as well.They help me when needed.They fulfill all my wishes.I am thankful to Maharaj and Swami for giving me such a family.
Vedika Patel (14)
Mumbai, INDIA

From shareing meals, to spending quality with us.
Smruti manish patel (9)
Edmonton, CANADA

Jai Swaminarayan, my family not only includes my mother, father and sister but also, Mahant Swami Maharaj. My family has given me support when doing my shloks, has always taken care of me and made sure I eat well everyday and have always supported me in my studies and satsang to make sure I always stay on the path of satsang. Mahant Swami Maharaj is a best father, a best friend and so much more to me. He has always encouraged me to move forward and never give up no matter what. I love my family. Jai Swaminarayan!
Jiya Patel (15)

Jay Swaminarayan, What I am grateful an out my family is that they can do so much for me like cooking, laundry, work, and so much more. Also, my sister is really funny. I love my family.
Aditya Shroff (9)

For me, my family is a very strong support system, providing me the best environment for my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth as well to become a better human being. I am grateful to my family to implant good values in me.
Dev Nilesh Trivedi (12)
Mumbai, INDIA

Jay swaminarayan. Dear family, thank you for always being my greatest supporter. I am lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being so incredible. I feel so grateful to have such a loving family. I feel very grateful that I get enough time to spend with my family and that they care for me so much.
Pahel Parmar (9)
Mumbai, INDIA

Jai Swaminarayan! I am grateful for everything my parents gave me, from the food to my home but most importantly satsang! I am also happy that they always do gharsabha with me, answer all of my questions and listen to my presentations that I make for gharsabha.
Akshara Thakkar (12)
Toronto, CANADA

Jay Swaminarayan. My Mother Father both are working. and I stay in Day care school after my regular Schooling (Sr. KG) over. My mother come to pick me when she left from office after 6pm. And then we come to home and we complete our fresh and chage look. then my mother is busy in my homework process with me and reading and other activities and we do AARTI then play with me and then she preparing our dinner of my choice. and we first serve all things to our Maharaj Swami in Ghar Mandir. after we take dinner and then my father come to late at 10.30pm from office. he takes bath and pray to Maharaj Swami and take dinner and after that me and my father do so much masti. we do chesta and then go for sleep. they both are doing so much for me and my best living. my personal requirement plus my satsang sanskar. and I am so much thankful to bapa that they given me so loving parents. My Grand parents comes whenever with us they give me so much love and teaching me satsang sanskar, sloks, prayers and many other things. Love you all. Jay Swaminarayan
Sarang Vala (6)
Vadodara, INDIA

They help us become good people
Khushaan Andani (8)
Mumbai , INDIA

I really like when we all play together. My big brother always protect me and care for me. When my mum and dad give me and brother surprise gift, I like it most.
Chintan Patel (6)
Chigwell, London, UNITED KINGDOM

Most important thing about my family is we always eats together, plays together and prays together. We always respect and love everyone. I feel so happy at family time. We always attend weekly sabha.
Jay Patel (9)
Chigwell, London, UNITED KINGDOM

Jay Swaminarayan.My family celebrates my successes and milestones, both big and small. They take pride in my achievements and share in the joy of my accomplishments. This recognition and celebration of my efforts motivate me to keep striving for excellence and helps me to make Bapa raji in every possible way . My family has instilled in me strong values and principles that guide my decisions and actions. They taught me the importance of honesty, integrity, and kindness. Their wisdom and life experiences shape my perspective on what it means to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Pranjal Patel (13)
Wembley , ENGLAND

One thing that I am thankful for that my family does is that they make lots of sacrifices for me just so that I can have a better future. I’m also thankful that my parent care for me and that they always help me keep trying when I want to give up because they know what is best for me. I can always count on them when I am feeling down and they are always willing to listen to whatever I have to say.
Rahi Vaghasia (10)

Jai Swaminarayan Bal Mukto, I am very blessed with great family members who are part and partial of my life. My parents are the role model for me to what i want to become in future, My parents helps me in anything and everything in which i am lacking behind especially study and satsang. They prepare me well for exams and adhiveshan. They look after me from all aspects such as sleep, food, study, satsang, sports, fun, leisure etc. When we do Gharsabha , my parents help me imbibe satsang virtues, morals and values. I believe samp in the family the true essence of peace and happiness.
Bhavya Patel (10)
Melbourne , AUSTRALIA

My family and I will do ghar sabha together and learn lots of new things every time. We play game togather and make memory.Also we watch guruharidarshan videos together and have samp and have smruti of Maharaj and swami. My ba teaches me the value of life. My Mom and Dad and other family members spending quality time with me.
Jay Amin (14)
Greensboro , UNITED STATES

My family does so much for me. My mum makes food for me and gets me new stuff but does not buy anything for herself and my dad, it does not matter how much he is tired he still takes us to the park. That all is not all my parents do for me. If I went to write it all It would take me more than 1 day. There is so much our parents do for us. This inspired me to do something for them so I decided to clean their room and make the bed but still that is not enough. My parents are the best. My mom and dad are my best friends.
Navya (9)
Brisbane , AUSTRALIA

My parents help us do our homework
Parv (7)
Brisbane , AUSTRALIA

They help us become more important and better
Khushaan Andani (8)
Mumbai , INDIA

We are grateful for family because gives us food, helps with our homework, gives us support. mostly they help us get up when we fall. Gives us unlimited time with us. They keep us safe .
Richmond balika mandal (6)

I am grateful for my parents because help me in everything. When I am sick they take care of me by giving me medicines to help me get better. They have always protected me in the toughest times of my life. I am so grateful to have parents like them.
Kevina patel (8)
Wellingborough UK, UNITED KINGDOM

Jai Swaminarayan everyone, My family is a great team, I have Mum, Dad, brother, Dada and Ba in my family. I have uncle, Aunty and cousin sister Diva. I am thankful of having such a lovely and caring family, my Dada helps me with my home work and he picks up me from school. I go and see Dada in his room and sit next to him when he feel sick, we do gharsabha at night and I have lots of fun with my brother, I do niyam- dharma to make a Akshardham in my hart and make Bapa happy. My mum and dad takes me to the temple every Sunday and I play and have a fun with my friends after gujarati class . Thank you to Daddy and Mummy .
Yug Mandaliya (6)

Jay Swaminarayan to my fellow bal, balikas reading this! One thing that I am grateful for my family is that we always help each others when we need help. For example, when I can’t figure out how to do a question in my homework, I ask my family members such as my brother to help me with my homework and he explains it really well and so does my dad and mum. Jai Swaminarayan!
Rudra Prajapati (12)

I'm really grateful for how my family always takes care of me and makes sure I'm happy. They play games with me, like hide and seek and board games, which are really fun. My parents read me bedtime stories every night, and I love when they do silly voices for the characters. They make my favorite meals, like mac and cheese and pancakes, and they always give me hugs when I'm sad or scared. My family also helps me learn new things, like how to ride my bike or how to tie my shoes. I love how they make me feel safe and loved every day.
Saheli Patel (5)




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