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    My Outstanding Guru

My Outstanding Guru

A true guru is someone who sets a great example for their followers. Mahant Swami Maharaj is just that — a perfect role model for us. He possesses lots of qualities like being patient, caring, humble, and much more.

What is your favorite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj? Why do you like this quality of his so much? Be as detailed as you can in your response.

I love Mahant Swami's quality of 'Samp' because whenever you keep samp, things get easier and that also shows teamwork. And if bapa wants us all to keep samp then we all must keep samp
Dharm Trivedi (10)

The quality I liked of mahant swami maharaj that he does hard work because it can always make impossible into possible
Shyamal Vasoya (10)
Houston, texas, UNITED STATES

He always treats everyone equal and is always caring and gives us guidance of being a good Bandak and Balika. That's why he is my guru. sincerely, from Shlok in Dallas
shlok jaiswal (10)

My favorite quality of Bapa is his humility.I love this quality because it inspires me to be more down to earth, and as Bapa is always saying to live like a, 'Das na das'.
Anya Patel (12)
Boston, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES

Mahant swami maharaja’s love feels like everything to me and I feel very happy, calm and safest person I could stay with me. When I look at him it feel like he loves more than we do. I’ll try my best you and my family happy with samp.
Riya chudasama (9)

My favorite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is him traveling the world at such an old age. He does all this just to give us, his devotees, his blessings! This proves how much he loves us all!!!
Khush Bhavesh Dave (11)

Jai Swaminarayan My favourite quality of my guru Mahant Swami Maharaj is his love towards us as haribhakto's. Through his teachings, he emphasizes the importance of meditation, prayer, and kindness. He also posses many qualities such as humour, caring, respectful and many more. His dedication to serving others and preserving the values of Bhakti is truly inspiring. Mahant Swami Maharaj’s life is a beacon of peace, guiding others to live with integrity and devotion.
Nitya Patel (12)

My favorite quality of Mahant Swamiis his connection with all of the bal and balikas in our Sanstha. I like this quality of Mahant Swami so much because it helps me personally connect with our guru in my own way.
Niyati Patel (13)

My favorite quality about Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he puts others before himself. An example is that he takes time out of his day to answer are letters.
Aarsh Agrawal (11)

What I like about mhantswamimharaj is that after his puja he always folds his hands and does darshan of each an d every one.
Shree Waghela (10)

My favorite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is his daspanu. I love this quality because our gurus have been passing on this message “das na das” for years. I love this quality in every way because of this reason.
Archi Bhatt (11)
Robbinsville, New Jersey, UNITED STATES

I like Mahantswami maharaj because he is a great friend of kids and makes them feel like they are the mukto from Akshardham. I love bapa.
Aaniya Patel (9)
Rocky Hill, Connecticut, UNITED STATES

I like bapa a lot because he always encourages us to do the right things no matter how small or big it is. He is a good role model and a amazing friend. I feel like he always with me whenever I need him.
Prisha Patel (11)
Rocky Hill, Connecticut, UNITED STATES

My favourite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he effortlessly serves for all of us. It is so amazing that he is taking time and coming all the way from India to Melbourne for the Bhoomi Poojan of Akshardham. It is so amazing the service he gives to us.
Kamya (15)

One of the qualities I like about like the Mahant Swami is that he always smiling.
Devya Parth Patel (9)
Sunshine Coast, AUSTRALIA

My favourite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he is focused in puja.
Om Parth Patel (7)
Sunshine Coast, AUSTRALIA

My favorite quality of our very own Param Pujya Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he always listens attentively. For example, during his puja he pauses to give attention to the balaks that are singing Karikas and Satsang Diksha shloks. I love this quality of Him because I feel like he’s listening to me when I recite the Satsang Diksha shloks and Mukhpath in order to prepare for the Adhiveshan.
Smruti (9)

I love swami bapa because he is very kind and caring. I love the stories that swami bapa has told us. I know that swami bapa loves us very much no matter what. I always try my best to make swami bapa raji in everything I do, sometimes it is just like doing my puja daily or just doing thaal everyday. I know that swami bapa knows that we are all his lioness staying strong in our niyam darma. When I was young every night I would listen to one of the stories that mahant swami said and and my dad would tell it to me, and when I hear the story I feel very happy.
Sakhi Mitul Patel (10)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES

Our guru Mahant Swami Maharaj is kind and caring, He is a perfect devotee who always follows he’s niyams. He has taught us about Satsang Diksha and many more important aspects. Thank you for being our friend.
Naysa (10)

My favorite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is that he is always happy.I like this quality of him because it makes me feel like he is always by my side.
Aarna Patel (11)
Tampa, Florida, UNITED STATES

One of my favorite qualities of Mahant Swami Maharaj is his humility. Humility is such a powerful and profound trait, especially in someone in his position—leading millions of followers as a spiritual leader, revered as an embodiment of wisdom and grace. Yet, despite his elevated position, Mahant Swami Maharaj consistently remains humble and grounded, embodying the true essence of selflessness and simplicity.
Jay Amin (14)

My favourite quality of mahant Swami is his love. Every time he is in London you feel so loved and cared. Adding on to this when mahant swami does puja, at the end he does jai swaminarayan to every single person. You feel so loved.
Dhruv Patel (14)

Mahant Swami Maharaj the current guru of B.A.P.S has many qualities (guns) that give inspiration to his devotees. Mahant Swami is the pragat satpurush, meaning he is Aksharbrahm. One quality I admire of Bapa is “Nirgun” as he is far above the 3 materialistic qualities (Rajogun, Tamogun and Satvagun). Not only that, but bapa is very united (samp). Lastly, through his unity in satsang Mahant Swami Maharaj also remains the servant of a servant or Das na das.
Dev Patel (13)

We should always stay strong in our niyam dharma even when our elders are not looking but maharaj is looking for 24 hours.Like if you are at a sleepover and your friend’s parents order food from a restaurant and when we tell our parents that you ate nothing from the restaurant.But maharaj knows what you really did.So from this example, we should learn that we should never lied to our parents and follow our niyam dharma.
Praag Borsadiya (9)

We should never lie to our parents because they’re not our enemies. They are friends to help us to communicate with Bhagwan so you can see that we can’t lie to her parents if you do my Swami knows if you’re lying so just keep to not lie.
Chesta borsadiya (7)

1.They are patient,caring,humble.2.because Mahant Swami is role model.
Jainy Mistry (12)
Ahmedabad, Gujrat , INDIA

My favourite quality of mahant swami maharaj is that he listen to our prayers and listens to our talks.
Neeva (11)
Toronto, Onterio, CANADA

I like his quality of being caring a lot. He ensures everyone is in perfect condition and make sure that anyone face a problem. Swamibapa cares for everyone by not looking at there background.
Mayur Patel (14)
Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA

One gun that I really like about mahant swami maharaj is that he is divyabhav. No matter what the age difference is between him and the other person he will still see the good in others. Once when he come to Australia to visit, he was in gold coast and there I saw him see divyabhav in everyone and that is one gun I like about mahant swami maharaj.
Kshama (13)
Adelaide, South Australia , AUSTRALIA

I like him Mahant swami maharaj because he is so kind soft hearted and he is so respected and honoured person in the whole world but never put himself above swaminarayan bhagvan I love his dream towards swaminarayan bhagvan
Khanan sheth (15)
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA

My favorite quality of Mahant Swami Maharaj is how he started to focus on kids satang and education. Swamishri started adhiveshan, mukhpath, satsang diksha quizzes, gujrati classes etc. I love Swami shri's love for all his children and Hari bhakto's. I and my family love swamishree.
Vriya (12)
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA




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