I want to take this time and appreciate Dhavalbhai Patel from our mandir. Dhavalbhai is very helpful and always there for everyone in the mandir. I remember when we had KDC this year,he and his whole team was at mandir until late night doing seva, to make us bal and balika feel happy and Raji. Thank you Dhavalbhai
Kirtan Patel (10)
He likes his seva and help balak grow up in Satsang and teach satsang values through Bal Sabha.
Nand Patel (15)
Robbinsville, UNITED STATES
My karyayar Name is Nand Patel. He likes his seva and help balak grow up in Satsang and teach satsang values through Bal Sabha and encourage us a lot.
Tirth Patel (8)
Robbinsville, UNITED STATES
I appreciate my bal karyakar Dhruv bhai. Every Sunday when its time to go to mandir i find excited to listen to his presentation. His presentations are always entertaining and interesting. Although may have lots of work for school he never fails to give 100% for bal sabha
Tilak Shukla (13)
Downingtown Pennsylvania , UNITED STATES
One of the karyakars I appreciate the most is Miliben Nakum. She is our balika karyakar (lead)in Adelaide. Something that I would appreciate is the hardwork she does for us to organize the mandir activities such as Shibirs, Bal-Balika Parayan, Balika Din etc. Which are run by our bal-balika karyakar's. I also appreciate the overall hardwork she does throughout her busy schedule!
Divya Waghela (11)
I chose a volunteer named Ved he's so kind-hearted and he's really good at basketball and he always has a fun way to learn satsang and I always enjoys it
Ohm Sagar Dave (8)
Greensboro , UNITED STATES
I appreciate this one karyakar which is Jaybhai he is really nice to all of our balaks.
Mihir Patel (12)
My favorite karyakar is Nayaben because she let's us pass out arti.
Jia (8)
Deepak bhai He makes us play games and tells us stories
Khushaan (8)
Mumbai , INDIA
Pujaben is a kishori karyakar at New Haven mandir. She is a Karyakar who really helps me when I’m at mandir. She does our Kishori sabhas and whenever she does them I really do learn a lot and enjoy going into sabha. She also help me and the other kishoris with their homework or any other work they have. When we had to decorate the kdc games we all always wanted to go because it was just so fun. All the girls just contributed with the seva because of her. She makes doing seva a 100 times better. She never fails to make me snd the other kishoris smile.
Hemani Patel (14)
I really appreciate Rahiben who is our balika karyakar. She makes our balika sabha fun. She makes sabha interesting by adding activities like games, crafts, rangoli and more.
Chesta Patel (8)
Karyakars play a very important role in our sanstha. My mother was a karyakar. She tells a lot of things about the work of karyakar. I really appreciate their work,they are like the shining stars of our sanstha. They give seva in the sanstha. I also want to become karyakar.
Nishi thacker (13)
Baranda, INDIA
One karyakar at our mandir that I appreciate a lot is Vanshbhai. Vanshbhai is a very hardworking karyakar and he loves to do seva no matter the circumstances. It is very hard to find someone who is more sevabhavi than Vanshbhai.
Anand Patel (14)
Hartford, Connecticut , UNITED STATES
Karyakar are the trees those never fall when difficulties come.They are the true treasure of our satsang
Jal Patel (13)
Gurugram, INDIA
Ankur bai is the best kayakar. He is a Bal Sanchalak. He takes his time out to help all of the kids learn each dance for each samayo. He is truly a amazing Sanchalak.
Aditya Patel (10)
Portland, Oregon, UNITED STATES
His name is Vandanbhai. He teaches dance if we are doing dance seva. He is a really good teacher. He helps us learn our steps with patience.
Dhairya Patel (11)
There are so many Karyakars that we should give kudos to but specifically we should thank our sabha coordinators. They prepare these fun sabhas and dedicate there time for us. Without them we could not understand our roots of satsang and heritage.
Jahnvi Raj (12)
Jai Swaminarayan ! There are several didi’s who organise our sabhas but the one I like the most is nisha didi she is sweet , kind , gentle and caring . The best part is she has a way with the Shishu’s and balikas we enjoy the sabha to the top and gain knowledge in her presence. She is the best !!
Kritika (14)
Mumbai , INDIA
My aunt is It Nirikshak of surat . She manages both Sanstha’s work and household work together . She never miss weekday Sabha’s and gosthi .She has done the mukhpath of satsang Diksha shlokas in Sanskrit . She also helps me to prepare the mukhpath .
Krisha Nilesh Patel (12)
Surat, INDIA
I appreciate my mukhpath teacher because she helps me learn shlocks,make sure I am doing good in my shlocks and I’m always happy when I am doing shlocks with her.I learned 77 shlocks because of her!!
Kavya Patel (7)
Yanadidi taught us Satsang Diksha shlok practice,Revision in our Balika mandal for all kids.She helped me and My sister Mira with Satsang Diksha mukhpath every day for month and help us to remember all shloks with different techniques with deep Meaning to make Mahant swami happy.We love giving online and face to face test of Satsang Diksha.Her inspiration,support and dedication help us to achieve our goal to become Akshar purashottam Nakkar vidavvan to Please Mahant swami Maharaj in his coming Australia Vicharan in Feb 2025.Thank you to all volunteers and Swamibapa giving us opportunity to do Mukhpath to understand your true form of Akshar and to attach to you forever.We promise to become your ideal kids following every Agna of Satsang Diksha to make you happy.Love you Bapa❤
Archa Patel (10)
Adelaide , AUSTRALIA
A Karyakar in watford is Mukund bhai. He is always kind and a regular helper in bal mandal. He even helped in the BST test to start going to BST. He is an truly amazing Karyakar.
Riaan Brahmbhatt (12)
In Robbinsville mandir we have many karayakars that do so much seva for the mandir. One karyaker that does a lot of seva that I know of is Parth bhai. I really like his knowledge on any topic you give him. He also did so much site seva to help build the magnificent Akshardham we have today.
Yug (11)
Robbinsville, NJ, UNITED STATES
I know one karyakar and he does network seva I really appreciate that he brings new families to our mandir and make Bapa Raji
Kavya (10)
I appreciate my karyakars about doing sabha.
Armaan (13)
Williamsburg , UNITED STATES
My favorite karekar is Kirtanbhai and I appreciate his attitude towards the balaks in Sabha and the guru-shishya bond he holds. He is a good mentor and always brings a big smile to my face every Sunday.
Adarsh J Patel (12)
Parambhai Rajyaguru. He is my sanchalaks. He plays fun games with us in my Sabha.
Param Sujal Patel (7)
Toronto, CANADA
Jai Swaminarayan! Every Saturday, I have the pleasure of meeting someone who is always a joy to see—Payalmasi C. She is a network coordinator at our mandir, she works tirelessly to bring more gunbhavis/haribhakto to our mandir. One thing I truly admire about Payalmasi is her willingness to perform any seva, no matter how small. Whether it’s washing the dishes or wiping the tables, she does it with the same dedication. Despite being one of the network coordinators of our entire mandir, she never thinks that any seva is too big or too small. Her humility and commitment are truly inspiring!
Jitarthi Nayak (11)
One of Adelaide Bal-2 karyakar is my brother, Het. I really like having my brother as a bal kayakar because its convenient and after sabha, when we go home, I ask him some questions about sabha and he answers them really clearly.
Rudra Prajapati (12)
Himali masi I appreciate her bc she taught me lots of things about satsang
Dhruma (10)