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    My Favourite Satsang Diksha Shloka

My Favourite Satsang Diksha Shloka

Do you do nitya puja? What’s the final step? Of course! It’s reading the Satsang Diksha! By now, you may have read through the entire shastra many times. Some of you may have even learned its shlokas by heart.

My favourite is shloka number 176, where Mahant Swami Maharaj talks about having family meals. When my family started doing this, we got to spend more quality time together to share stories and laughter.

Which shloka or teaching from the Satsang Diksha is your favourite? Why so? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

My Favorite Shloak from the Satsang Diksha Granth is Number 279 because it talks about how we should not believe in worldly superstitions because Maharaj and Swami are the all doer of this world.
Radhika Mansinghka (12)

My favorite shlok is shlok 100 which says: Ek Eveshtha devo nah, eka Eva gurus tatha ekash chaivā'pi siddhanta evam nah ekatā sadā which translates to: There is one god, one guru and one siddhānt, thus we are always united which shows the value of samp
Dhanvi Patel (13)

In the Satsang Diksha it says to do puja every day. The calming time of doing puja lets me do darshan of Bhagwan. Doing puja gets me ready for the day. That is my favorite teaching from the Satsang Diksha.
Meera Patel (9)

My favorite shlock is shlock 100 because it teaches us about unity
Jaymin Patel (12)

My favorite shloka from the Satsang Diksha is shloka number 26, where Swamiji talks about how to prevent addictions to prevent illnesses and miseries. When my brother and I learnt this we started spending less time playing or watching TV and doing more stuff that would be benificial to us like studying more and helping my parents.
Velee Patel (12)
Windsor, CANADA

My favorite shloks is 51 because they say why do we have to sit on a aasn because thereafter facing north or east shall sit on a pure and comfortable seat placed on purified ground and untouched by any other article.
Siya patel (9)
South Carolina , UNITED STATES

As for my favorite shloka or teaching from the Satsang Diksha, one that resonates deeply with me is shloka 28, where Mahant Swami Maharaj talks about the importance of maintaining a steady and disciplined approach to one’s spiritual practice. He emphasizes the significance of regularity in puja, prayer, and meditation, and how even small, consistent efforts can lead to great transformation. This teaching resonates because it highlights the power of consistency in spiritual practice—no matter how small the action, it’s the regularity and sincerity that really bring about spiritual progress. It’s also a reminder that spiritual growth is not always about grand gestures but can be found in the simple, everyday moments of mindfulness and devotion.
Jay Amin (14)

My favourite shlok is 19 where Mahant Swami Maharaj has given us aashray diksha mantra. This is my favourite shlok because it is the first ever shlok I learnt by heart.
Shrey Dave (9)

My favourite shloka is number 44, where Mahant swami maharaj talks about Bhagwan being the all doer, all compassionate and being the sole person to remove our miseries. I love this shloka because it shows God is always there looking after me and my family.
Rhiya Rao (7)
Southampton , UNITED KINGDOM

I like the number 150 because it talks about your soul.
Armaan (13)
Williamsburg, UNITED STATES

My favorite Satsang Diksha shloka is all of them.
Aditya Shroff (9)

My favourite satsang diksha shlok is Swaminaryanah sakshad akshara purushottamaha sarvebh paramamam shantimay ananda sukhamam arpayet. May Swaminarayan Bhagwan, who is akshar-Purushottam maharaj himself bestow ultimate peace on all.
Hetansh (8)




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