Kids Creations
Result of Creation- 48

   Guru Purnima
Guru Purnima
Bapa, I see you only once every year. And once every year, I experience something new, a new bliss every time. When you speak, when you look, you are not directly facing me, though it seems as if you are talking to me only. Your words are honey. And your eyes: they are the biggest pearls on Earth. Your eyes shine with divine beauty. Like you, Bapa, the atmosphere protects the Earth. What would we humans do if there were no atmosphere? Bapa, what would we do? What would we all living creatures do if we didn't have you, Bapa? So, Bapa, my only prathana to you is just to keep coming to bless us and purify our atmas. Jay Swaminarayan.
Savitri Zala (14)
Jai Swaminarayan. The dedication, effort, and seva that you have given to our sanstha is beyond words of affection, Bapa. I, as a devotee, will always be indebted to you for your guidance and constant love that you have not only given me but to thousands of bhaktas all over the world. All I ask for is for your rajipo so that I can experience everlasting bliss and continue to have the strength to fulfuill all of your aagnas. Time and time again, you are always there to direct me towards a more moral life. May I have the ability to succeed in school, satsang, and lead a God-centric life. - this is my prarthana at your holy feet. Jai Swaminarayan!!!
Shalini Pandya (14)
We are fotunate that we've got a guru like bapa. We pray him that you are our everything our life line is in your hand so Bapa give us strength that we can do your seva and please you. May all our swabhavs go away so that we can peacefully and permenentlly sit in your divine abode-(AKSHARDHAM). TAME CHHO MARA PRAN ADHAR....
Astha .D. Thaker (13)
Guru Purnima is a festival special day where you offer your humble prostrations to your guru. You ask for blessings and offer prayers. Just like Bapa asked for blessings to do the best he can for this sanstha on his day of being appointed as a president of B.A.P.S., I am going to ask Swamibapa that I make good progress in education and satsang. We are lucky to have Swamishri as our guru so let's pray to him that we stay in the path of satsang and attain Akshardham.
Dhaval Patel (12)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES
mane good girl banavjo, mane aadarsh balika banavjo, amane gusso ave nahin, mane doctor banavjo, he maharaj swamibapa nu swasthaya saraj rakhjo, badha santo nu swasthaya saras rahe, amne satsangi banavjo, gharma shanti rahe
sakshi patel (5)
worthington, UNITED STATES

Dear Swamibapa, I will always pray for your good health. I wish to listen and obey my parents and saints. I do not like it when my parents are not happy. Please help me do well in school and mandir. Please help me stay with good people. I pray that all the poor people get food and a home.
Arpan Parimal Patel (7)
Swamibapa,We pray lord swaminarayn for your health and avo ne avo satnag no labh anant janmo suthi rahe.Swami bapa mare gher China Nanjing ma padharave ne mate apne hu amantran apu chu. Dharmik na satsang pranam. Hu ahi puja and ravi sabha karu chu. Mane Yo te avo rang mune kem laghadyo kirthan avede che. Jay swaminarayan.
Dharmik Patel (5)
Nanjing China, INDIA
Jai Swaminarayan, Dear Bapa, I will always pray for your well-being, May Me and My family do bhajan bhakti more, and please You and God. Please give us Aashirwaad, so that we can come for your samagam and darshan soon and every year. Jai Swaminarayan.
Rhea J Patel (12)
Nairobi, KENYA
Jai Swaminarayan. Thank you for everything you have done for me and given me. Please give me the strength to do your seva, to do well in school ,and to serve my parents. Please do the best for me and my family and PLEASE keep a strong bond in between us. Jai Swaminarayan.
Payal Patel (14)
ATL in the house!!!, UNITED STATES
I think that bapa is a very kind,humble,selfless,caring person. He always thinks about everybody else. we are very lucky to have bapa as our guru he teaches everything we need to know. He teaches young,old anybody. He wants us to become a better satsangi. We all are lucky to have baps as our guru.
Aashka Chauhan (9)

On the special occasion of Guru Punam I am going to ask Swamishree for the blessings that Please give me to live according to your agna(will) so that I can succeed in my life.
Rutvi (13)
Toronto, CANADA
On the Guru purnima I remember and offer devotion to our beloved guru , his divine holiness Pramukh swami maharaj . He is the only one who can teach us right from wrong and how to correctly live our lives.Pramukh swami maharaj gives us true knowledge and brings us out of darkness. For us, darkness comes in the form of T.V, eating out, going to the theatre, e.t.c. we should pray to god and earn bapa's blessings. JAY SWAMINARAYAN
jay a patel (9)
jay,swaminarayan swamibapa please give me blessings that i suceed in satsang,gurati,and in life.also give me the blessings that i attain akshardham and i can have your darshan.i can even know each and everything in satsang,gujrati,and in life.and last but not least don't forget to come to Atlanta next year swamibapa!!!
Anmol Patel (9)
Jai Swaminarayan Swamibapa, Please give me your blessings so that I may succeed and benefit in satsang.Also so that my knowledge in satsang may increase and I learn how to read,write,and speak gujrati fluentley.May everyone gain satsang and not lose it,live peacefully,and may I be given the gift of Akshardham.
Ami Patel (13)

karod kam sudharia ane ek moksha bagadyo to shhu karu.......If we all took out one hour from our own time and thought about akshardham.It would make bapa happy thats our #1 goal in life.if we want peace we have to do that.Bapa is the all time peace maker of all time.
Nevil Patel (11)
Jai Swaminarayan Swamibapa. i offer my humble prostrations to you. i dont want anything else but your health. please take care of your health. bless me that i can study more and serve my parents. i can always serve our sanstha and progress in satsang. i want my parents' wishes fulfilled. that's it and please do take care of your health. Jai Swaminarayan.
Meera (14)

The prayer that I will offer Swamishri will be the one that Maharaj says in one of the Vachanamruts, the one He says we should daily say in our nitya pooja: He Maharaj, He Swami, He Bapa Amaaraa Kutumbne Kundapanthi, Shaktipanthi, Shushkvedanti, ane Naastik, a chaar Prakaarnaa kusangio thi door raksho ji, ane kam, krodh, lobh, moh ahamkar irshiya ane dehaabhimaan, e aadik je anthahashatroo the thaki raksho ji ane nitya tamaaraa bhaktano samaagam dejo. Jay Swaminaryan
Krisha Amin (12)
I ask from him that I can have the strength to get good grades in school, and make my parents happy. Please let me progress in satsang. Please let everone be happy.
Nilkanth Patel (14)
Jai Swaminarayan, SWAMISHRI, I pray that you stay healthy. All the satsangis you meet, who have problems to be solved, will get their advice. That Hindus from different religions will follow our BAPS Sampraday. I also pray that all the satsangis in the World will stay safe. All the Santos who are with you shall stay safe. I ask for Blessings for our Sydney Mandal. I want to Ask for your Blessings, so that you can forgive me when I do anything wrong and when I commit a sin. Jai Swaminarayan Utsav Garach
Utsav Garach (13)
on guru punam for bapa i would just do seva for him and the mandir like cleaning bathrooms and help make haar and staff like that what i would offer bapa.And for bapa's bleessing i wold ask bapa is to always keep me in satsang,give me bhakte like you,and take me to Akshardham.
chandni amin (11)
dear swamishri. hu viraj chu. ane tame mara family ne good banavjo. ane bhudhi appjo. ane mane fun appjo. tamara ashirvaad. viraj brahmbhatt 6 yrs old
viraj brahmbhatt (6)
milwaukee, wi, UNITED STATES
Dear Swamibapa, On Guru Punam, give me the strength to follow all of your niyams. I also ask for good education and that I go to Akshardham. I wish to do great in satsang. I also hope that I always fulfill your wishes. Thank you for all you have done for me. Jay Swaminarayan!
Sweta V. Patel (8)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES


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