Kids Creations
Result of Creation- 49

   Guru Purnima



      God Exists
                                BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha.

The mandir. The strength, the divinty of which all will stand together; forming the pure bound of happinness of satsang. Bringing everyone together to gain the ultimate wish. So beautiful but powerful, it holds us together and protects. Our only true home upon the planet infested with evil. The defence from the disesases of the mind. The closest place to any heaven, filled with the sounds and singing of pure devotion, within is the sight of an murti which fills the eyes and the soul with beauty. It's the place of perfect which only goodness is seeked.
Divesh Patel (14)
Wellingborough, UNITED KINGDOM
Mandir is second home for each Hindu person.Without mandir life of Hindu people are empty.Mandir gives us peace of mind and shows way of life.Mandir is college of "Adhyatmik shikshan".Mandir is foundation of hindu religion.Mandir is connectivity between Hindu people and God.Mandir and Hindu people life is synonimous to each other.Mandir is house of God.
saloni (7)

Mandir is a place where we focus on maharaj and swami.If we do puja bhagwan will listen to are prayers.In mandir we do mara and danvat.We also do Nilkanth Varni Abishek.We put water on him and put the other hand on the hand we pour water on.We also do pradakhshina and in aarti we clap and sing the aarti.Thats what we do in mandir.
Anmol patel (9)
Lawrenceville, UNITED STATES
mandir is a place of paramount is a place where people go and is a place where people gets there darshan of god, and if you know that bapa was given a certificate the first one was when bapa build the world's biggest temple ''DELHI AKSHARDHAM ''.and the reason why we go to mandir is to get peace of mind and we also go to listen pravachans spoken by satsangis and we also go to hear bhajans sung also by satsangis.that is the reason why we must attend mandir daily and the most important thing is to attend bal sabha every saturday . '' JAI SWAMINARAYAN ''
namrata kapil dave (11)
dar es salaam, TANZANIA
BAPS SWAMINARAYAN SANSTHA BAPS swaminarayan sanstha is a religon. This religon teaches good things. And our Guru Pramukh swami maharaj who gives us aygana and from that we get to learn good staff from it. we should be happy that we came to BAPS swaminarayan sanstha because we are going to akshardham and this the time to get rid of your maya. So coming to BAPS swaminarayan sanstha you sould learn bhakti and go to akshardham. JAY SWAMINARAYAN
chandni amin (11)
Why Vegetarian? Vegetarianism should be an important aspect of each and every one of our lives. It shows Maharaj and Swami that we love and care for all jivas, human or not. In school, we are all presumably asked why we do not believe in eating meat. The reason is simple. Human beings were not created to eat meat. We were made herbivores by God, meaning our diet consisted of only plants. To reinstate this, God gave us thumbs, for plucking fruits off of trees. He gave us flat teeth, necessary for grounding plants. On the other hand, he gave carnivores claws and sharp teeth, for ripping the flesh off of animals. He gave them shorter intestines to ease the digestion process. From this knowledge, it can scientifically be stated that meat is not for us. This is why we believe in Vegetarianism. Jay Swaminarayan
Aneek Patel (12)
Vegetarianism: Many people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Leonardo DaVinci were vegetarians. It does not mean that only meat makes you stronger because elephants and horses are vegetarians. We are living and so are the animals. No one eats us then why should we eat the animals? God gave the privilidge for animals to live, too. And god gave us plenty of food that doesn't involve meat so why not appreciate it? Therefore everyone should be vegetarians.
Sweta V. Patel (8)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES

Jay Swaminarayan!!! Mandir is god's home.It is said that "mandir ishwar ki pehchaan, paave shanti jaha insaan, sabhi ka mandir aashray sthaan" This means that mandir is the place where god resides and gives his blessings to us through living in our home and hearts. Mandir gives our soul the peace of mind which one needs after the hectic schedule of life. As the mandir is god's home we should keep it clean and decorate it as our home.
Vaidehi (13)
In unitedstates people are turning into vegetarian.vegetables are good for kill living things is not good.we have to be kind to everybody.donot destroy the things which you cannot make it.swaminarayan bhagwan spread non violance dharma.he teach people what are the benefits of becoming vegetatrian. today guru pramukh swami also tell all the satsangi to follow strict vegetarian food.
harsh (8)
The topic I chose to write on is "Mandir". The mandir is a very nice place. It gives you alot of positive vibrations. I have noticed that if we fight with our brothers or sisters at home we are nice to each other at the mandir. The mandir is one of the best places to be in. The environment is totally different. You feel that God is with you every second you are in the mandir. I love being at the mandir!! Jay Swaminarayan to everyone!!
Rutvi (13)
Toronto, CANADA
i think bhagwan swaminarayan is supreme god, because he is the most intelligent and powerful one.i am not saying that othre gods are not good and not powerful, but i think bhagwan swaminarayan is one with great knowledge. bhagwan swaminarayan was known as ghanshyam when he was a child bhagwan went on, he live his life by saving people, talking justice, and spreading peace all around the world. this is our luck that we got bhagwan swaminarayan as god. bhagwan swaminarayan did lots of things like doing everything right.he was the god to know everything.i think bhagwan is great soul with trillions of powers and magic. jai swaminarayan!!!!!!!!!!!!
bhakti (12)

mandir: mandir etle shri aksharpuroshottam swaminarayan sanstha, mandire aapde darshan karva jaiye, mandire javathi aapanne Maharaj and Bapa no rajipo male che. mandirre sabhama jaiye tyare gujarati bhaniye che, mandire aarti kariye che.
sakshi patel (5)
westerville, UNITED STATES
vegetarianism: aapde meat khaiye to Maharaj, SwamiBapa raji naa thaay, jem mane koi maari ne kaapi ne khaay to mane vage tem gaayne, chickenne pan vage ene maaray nahin ene haay thaay, eni mummy ne ane daddy ne game nahin mane koi mare, maharaje shikshapatrima lakhyu che ke koini pan hinsa karvani nahin ane meat pan khavanu nahin. Ghanshyam nana hata tyare machimar ne hinsa karta rokyoto em apde pan hinsa koi divas karvani nahin
sakshi patel (5)
westerville, UNITED STATES

MANDIR Mandir is the Hindu name for a place of worship or prayer. Mandir is a Sanskrit word for where the mind becomes still and the soul floats freely to seek the source of life, peace, joy and comfort. For centuries, the mandir has remained a centre of life – a common community place where people forget their differences and voluntarily unite to serve society.
priyanka (11)
Mandir: mandir is a very peaceful is the house of god. many things happen at the mandir. we have sabhas, festivals and various other activities at the mandir. we learn a lot from the balsabhas every week. in balsabhas we learn about manners,behavior,discipline, seva and mostly, about maharaj,swami and the guru parampara. but overall,we learn how to become adarsh balaks and please our beloved guru pramukh swami maharaj.
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha: BAPS was established in 1907 by Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj. He was in many hardships however he bravely spread the Akshar-purushotam upasana. Then came Yogiji Maharaj who helped establish all the activities such as Bal Mandal, Yuvak Mandal, Ravi Sabha, Satsang Patrika, etc. He encouraged young balaks to come to Bal Sabha every Sunday. Now, we have Pramukh Swami Maharaj who has built over 700 mandirs, made around 800 santos, and most of all he does vicharan around the world to help spread our upasana. BAPS just completed its 100 years in 2007.
Dhaval Patel (12)
North Brunswick, UNITED STATES
|| Jai swaminarayan || MANDIR Mandirs there are many around the world. there are Sai Babas, South Indian, and many more. The ones that I like are our BAPS ones. my most favourite Shikharbadh mandir is Bharuch, because it has wonderful murtis and is very peaceful. Some other mandirs that I like are Gondal, Gadhada, Sarangpur, Tithal, Anand, Neasden, Atlanta, Toronto, Chicago, Houston, etc. In Sydney our Mandir is a Hari mandir , and I wish we could get one of the Largest Shikharbadh mandirs in the History of BAPS. Mandir is always a peaceful place. Theres a quote like this, "A mandir is like a petrol station, and you use all the Stasang Knowledge like petrol, to Refill yourself you come back to Mandir". So this all I have to say about the Mandir topic. || Jayswaminarayan ||
Utsav Garach (13)
Jay Swaminarayan Sub-Mandir Mandir ek avi jagya chheke jya atmane shanti made chhe.Mandirma avavathi sara sanskaro prapt thay chha.Mandir ek Bhagvan bhajvanu sthad chhe. Today we can't get piece by ruppies.I always go to BAPS temple. I feel very peace because i have got Shreeji Maharaj and also Pramukhswami Maharaj.There are 850 temples in all over world. Manny people get sanskar,peace and ashirvad by praying Swaminarayan Bhagvan. Thank you Mara Vahla Pramu Swami Maharaj.Aje hu paheli vakhat internet par e-mail karta shikhyo chhu ane paheli vakhat tamne mail karuchhu.
MANDIR Mandir is a really good place to stay. Mandir has really good murtis of God.Devotees teach new thing about God.They organise shibirs that are really fun!!!Many people get together in mandir.They celebrate festivels like:Ram Navmi,divali and many more.In mandir we sing bhajan. JAI SWAMINARAYAN
Patel Poojan (8)
monticello, UNITED STATES
MANDIR: A mandir is a place god lives. It is peaceful place where you learn about our gurus and sanstha. It helps you learn about your culture, too. According to me, mandir has affected me a lot. It helped me with my grades in school and I have participated alot in the fun activities such as shibirs, camps, carnivals, outings, etc. I participated in dances and other satsang related activities, Therefore, the mandir is the only place where you can find success.
Tilak Zinzuwadia (13)
East Brunswick, UNITED STATES


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