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    Summer Vacation Activities for Children
April - May 2009, Gujarat, INDIA

The summer vacation are an opportunity for children to develop their non-academic talents. The BAPS Children’s Wing organizes vacation activities to help such development.

Talent Development Workshops
Over 20,000 boys and girls of the BAPS Children’s Wing participated in these Talent Development Workshops which include training and guidance on story-telling, yoga, parayan, spoken English, dance, music (vocal and instrumental), general knowledge and satsang knowledge.
There workshops were held for 3 to 7 days at 82 locations throughout Gujarat and Mumbai.

Medical Checkup
Healthy children are a country’s most valuable asset. To encourage healthy habits, special medical checkup camps for children were held. Guidance on how to lead a healthy lifestyle was given by experts. Over 12,000 children at 75 locations benefited.

De-addiction Campaign 2009
For a period of between 5 and 10 days 2,000 children and karyakars set up de-addiction exhibitions in around 500 public places throughout Gujarat. Over 100,000 people visited the exhibitions of which about 15,000 pledged to give up their destructive habits.

For a period of between 5 and 10 days, 1,788 girls (in 400 groups) visited hospitals and old age homes and offered prayers for the physical and mental wellbeing of all patients and residents.

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