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18 to 23 October 2010, Raisan, INDIA

                                  “What you hear, you forget.

                                   What you see, you remember.

                                   What you do, you understand.

                                   This is Real Learning, let’s give it a Try.”

Math’s is a powerful language. Mathematics as an expression of human mind, reflect the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection.

Not all but many of the students find maths as a very tiresome & difficult subject. The reason would be lack of interest. It is very essential to overcome this problem which could be the barrier in child’s progress.

One such effect to popularize Math’s among students, to remove fear of Maths make learning fun & to tell them in clear terms that a basic knowledge of maths is vital in today’s economy, has been made by students of BAPS, Raisan by celebrating “Maths Week” from 18th October to 23rd October 2010.

Opening ceremony was done by bursting the balloons. Songs in Praise of Maths week were sung by students followed by short skits, speeches, poems, and various autobiographies of great Mathematicians, puzzles, quiz & many more. Entire week is celebrated with a fun filled, mathematic & interactive activities to achieve a wide range of objectives related to knowledge skills, application, attitude, appreciation, interest & values. Talented students looked like little Ramanujan which could be seen in every week & corner of BAPS Raisan.

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