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    Bal-Balika Adhiveshan
31st October 2009, Melbourne, Australia

On 31 October 2009, 30 children participated in the Bal-Balika Adhiveshan at the BAPS center in Melbourne, Australia. For the past few months, children aged between 6 and 13 years had prepared for this first-ever adhiveshanhere by attending practice sessions every Sunday for nearly two hours at a time. First, they learnt how to properly recite the arti, thal, shloks, kirtans, Swamini Vato and other basics of satsang. They also practiced regularly at home. Finally, they enthusiastically learnt the course material by heart.

On the competition day, the excitement and anticipation of the children was visible and because of their sincere preparations, they performed with great confidence. Everyone felt a sense of achievement at the end of the day with many exceptional results. The outstanding children were awarded medals for their efforts and all were presented certificates for participating in this event. The prize-giving ceremony took place on 1 November 2009 during the weekly Satsang sabha.

This was an educating and enlightening event for all and helped to consolidate basic satsang knowledge.

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