On Wednesday 29th October, Paris Bal-Balika Mandal celebrated their 6th separate Bal-Balika Mandal Annakut in the town of Bagnolet. Over 70 items of food made by the Bal-Balikas were offered to God. Approximately 100 children attended the event in the presence of Pujya Kothari Swami and sadhus from India and London.
Preparations and planning had started over a month prior to the big day with many balaks and balikas also involved. The karyakars with the help of many balaks had decorated the hall really nicely. Balaks also helped to put the various dishes on the Annakut stage.Balika Mandal were very active in arranging the plates.
The program started with jaynaad and stuti, followed by dhun and kirtan sung by the balaks. A story describing the festival of Diwali from the Ramayan was presented on screen by an animation and narrated by a karyakar. This was followed by a video darshan of Pramukh Swami Maharaj celebrating Diwali. Balaks then sang a thal.
Pujya Kothari Swami was very impressed with the annakut. He gave blessings to all the karyakars and children. The children left with Annakut prasad from the sadhus.
Congratulations to Paris Mandal for specially hosting this wonderful Annakut for all the children and letting them have the opportunity to express their bhakti through this seva.